15 February 2007

Derelict house for sale!

This house, with its outbuilding, is for sale in the hills above Menton. There is no vehicle access and as you can see, you'd need strong thighs and a good constitution to lug the groceries home. When I took this photograph, we'd already been walking for over twenty minutes. Not for the faint-hearted...


  1. looks beautiful...but also looks like a LOT of hard work! The views would have to make it worth the effort!

  2. Did the previous owners die of exhaustion?
    Do you have a picture of the view from the top? Maybe it makes the climb worthwhile ;-)
    Actually I have seen some mountain top houses in the States where the owners built a chair lift into the hill!

  3. Chris, Deb and Isabella

    I went to see this house because the lady in the photo thought I should sell my house and buy this ruin and make it into a dog refuge! Menton's dog refuge has been closed. I know nothing of the history of this place, but it was very expensive, the view was simply to the other side of the valley (no views of the Med unless you twisted your neck!) - river way below - yes that was nice but if you looked to your right you saw an enormous area of factories. Not very jolly. I'm sure one day someone will put in a road on the level of the house - it is possible but would be incredibly expensive and that building was beyond derelict. Given great views, yes. But it didn't have the greatest views. Nice walk up with my friend tho.

    Jilly x

  4. That's a shame. It looks so promising there on the hill side.
    Lovely photo, Jilly.

  5. Quelle deception! What a noble project, Jilly! Would you be needing any help running it - she asked, only half-joking ;-)))

  6. Yes, it would be a lovely place for a picnic I think.

  7. This house has now been sold - apparently the new owner arrives by helicopter!

  8. Hmmm! How much is it? I won't mind staying a summer there. :-)

  9. Great work.

  10. I wonder what has been done with the house since the new owners have had possession??

  11. your photo very nice .

  12. Hello Jilly.
    Just a bit off tropic. Noticed you Architecture pictures.
    I am a Dane, as you know.
    And there was at a time, a Danish architect, that has drawn a lot of houses in Menton.
    The tourist bureau, has in between guided tour, to those buildings, I haven't attended any of the tours.
    But , just as a proposal.
    Could it be an idée, for a series of pictures of those houses drawn by the Danish architect.

  13. Hello Jilly.
    Just a bit off tropic. Noticed you Architecture pictures.
    I am a Dane, as you know. And there was at a time, a Danish architect, that has drawn a lot of houses in Menton.
    The tourist bureau, has in between, guided tour, to those buildings, I haven't attended any of the tours.
    But , just as a proposal.
    Could it be an idée, for a series of pictures of those houses drawn by the Danish architect.
