23 February 2007

Lunch by the Mediterranean

The sky suddenly filled with gulls - perhaps it was the wind? Perhaps they were hoping from crumbs from the visitors eating lunch by the edge of the sea.


  1. I could sit here all afternoon!
    beautiful scene-

  2. Looks like a nice spot for lunch especially when we still have snow on the ground here.

  3. Love scenes like this--it's so alive!

  4. Yes, it does look like a splendid place to have lunch. It looks like those kinds of places where I, many years ago, used to set down in a chair, pull out a cigarette and drink a cup of coffee. I wish now, however, the Army had not given me free cigarettes and got me hooked as it ruined my health and even though I quit smoking over ten years ago I am still paying the piper for my misdeeds.

    And thank you for stopping at my place again and for the comments.

  5. I love the blues and whites in the photo. The colors of the umbrella shades and lamp posts match very well with the colors of the sea and seagulls.

  6. How wonderful to have lunch outside by the sea in winter. One time a seagull swooped down and grabbed a chip right out of my hand!

  7. lovely atmosphere to be at..but i know in reality its noisy ;)
