22 February 2007

Oranges and lemons...tra la la

Following on from yesterday's posting about the Fête du Citron, this photograph shows you how the fruit is fixed in place with rubber bands. (click to enlarge) This by the way is one corner of the Taj Mahal.

During the 16 years I've lived near to Menton, I have never before visited the Fête du Citron. It was very interesting to see what can be created with lemons and oranges and it's a very popular festival, but it's perhaps true to say that personally I prefer the more natural fêtes we see in the hilltop villages round Menton: the Fête du Lavande, the Fête du Blé (wheat) - and so on. You can read about one of those fêtes, the Fête de la Branda (distilled alcohol, folks!) at this link.


  1. This is such an interesting festival. never thought of an orange and lemon statue before! :)
    And this photo is so helpful to understand how the heck they fix the fruit to build such a huge sculpture!!
    Enjoy the party!

  2. very healthy! Now I go to buy some fruit;)

  3. Fabulous, I'd heard about the Fete du Citron but never seen actual photos of it, and certainly none that close! Love the detail as well as the big picture. And what a sky !

  4. awesome detail composition. the colors just explode off the screen!

  5. Needs people with lots of patience to work on this creation. Colours are wonderful!

  6. Oh my, yes, as Kate said, takes lots of patience to put these together.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog.
