20 May 2007

A Mediterranean diet

The market is open every day - although some stalls close on Mondays. Here you see courgette flowers, which are stuffed and deep-fried. The fish in the foreground is, I think, rouget - red mullet. The courgettes in the lower right-hand photograph (zucchini) are the tiny variety but we are lucky enough to get courgettes in many forms. The best are the trompettes which I'll photograph for you another time. Here you can read about them.


  1. I learned a new word today - courgettes! =) Now I jus hafta figure out what trompettes are - the colors in this composition is awesome!!!

  2. I love the flowers and would enjoy tasting them. Just recently I was reading a memoir, A Thousand Days in Tuscany, which described them in detail and I had the same wish then. Your photos display all the vegetables beautifully.

  3. courgettes - never tried them:) Doesn't look cheap")

  4. With such coloured photographs, I start to be hungry

  5. Nice photos.. The market in your city looks much the same in our country, if refer to the dry part. Still, we've got quite a lot of wet market, which's mean by the floor is wet, and they sell all sorts of things - fish, chicken... So it's quite smelly. And it's quite noisy there as people yelling and screaming for attracting customers.

  6. Anonymous20 May, 2007

    I like this assortment of photos. Nicely done and exposure just right.

    I hope you got my email message with the photos attached.

  7. Very nice collage! I see you want us to eat healthy - fish and vegetables...no cheese or paté in sight :-(

  8. That's the way to eat! Everything looks so fresh and delicious that my mouth is watering right now.

  9. I have seen the zucchini blossoms fried on TV but never tasted it before. I will definitely have to try it the next time.

    I love summer vegetables because I can eat almost everything raw. I love raw carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, zucchini, grape tomatoes, etc.

    Today, I had a delicious arugala salad with balsamic vinegar, served on the side with beef carpacio and parmagiano (I think) cheese.

  10. Superb montage, Jilly, and if I hadn't just eaten (a salad) these colours would make my mouth water...I just love asparagus!

  11. No question the med diet is the healthiest one out there & for good reason! Everything looks so fresh - that asparagus looks especially inviting!

  12. Very nice collage! Fleurs de courgettes à faire en beignets et à farcir, oignons rouges délicieux crus dans les salades, bulbes de fenouil, asperges vertes (mes préférées!) délicieuses à peine cuites, cornichons à frotter et à mettre dans le vinaigre (I did that with my grandmother, when I was a child), rougets fameux grillés avec des fines herbes et gambas sans doûte venues d'ailleurs. I wrote in French, because I don't know all these names in English and I thought cooking and French are going quite well together...Hope you are not angry?

  13. Anonymous25 May, 2007

    I'm just thinking ratatouille, bouillabaise, aioli - yum. I see you're in the middle of asparagus season as well. I like seasonal food although at this time of the year in Switzerland you can get a bit fed up with spargel-with-everything. It plays havoc with your pee into the bargain
