29 May 2007

Street vendor

This is typical of a street vendor in Menton - usually from north Africa. Here I love that he's grabbed a seat from the bakery/bar next door. Many sell illegal copies of branded named sunglasses, bags and wallet. However, these may not be copies as there seem to be rather a lot for him to whip up and off ground if the police walk by.


  1. Anonymous29 May, 2007

    I vividly remember buying an umbrella in a torrential rainstorm the last time my wife and I were walking through the Old Town in Menton. Like any savvy tycoon, the vendor charged me US$40. Supply and demand was alive and well.

    I look forward to returning to Menton this summer. I won't forget my umbrella!

  2. Anonymous29 May, 2007

    I think this is a nice photograph and certainly shows someone out to make a dollar.

    Where do these people stay if this is what they do to earn a living? I would have guessed that it is expensive to rent a home or a room in your city and even more expensive to buy property there to live in.

    I didn't do much today but...

    I did write about how people used to wear long underwear over winter or until we began to stink. You can find the link at the bottom of the post today.

    Brookville Daily Photo

  3. This is a way to get a foothold as a bysinessman. I wish him much success.

  4. looks like the same kind of street vendors we have here! I was watching the dog show this weekend and when the English Sheepdog cometition was going on I was looking for you on TV I never saw you though:(Hope you had a great time.

  5. I never understand people who buy cheap rip off copies of bags and glasses etc. I'd rather spend a bit more on a 'real' cheaper version.

    How did he get them all there? He must have a huge case!

  6. Oh yes, I have seen similar displays everywhere in France. Agree with mountainboy, I don't like cheap stuff that breaks immediately but then I lose 2 or 3 pairs of sunglasses a year so I've stopped buying expensive ones...

    Jilly my post today is dedicated to you. Go and see why!

  7. Couple of questions come to mind:
    - does the bakery/bar (what a fun combination ;-)) mind him using their table?
    - wasn't he concerned by you taking his photo?

  8. Ah yes, you see them everywhere in France where tourists are.

  9. Abraham, I think all the street vendors live across the border in Italy.

    Isabella, I took the photo from a distance so the guy didn't see me and truly I don't know what the bar thought of him sitting in one of their chairs but feel they can't object else he'd have been told.

  10. This could be a scene from South Africa. We visited some North African vendors selling bags this morning
