23 June 2007

Gorbio village - 2

This shows Gorbio village from the other side - see yesterday's post. Below you see the main road to the village from Menton, taken from the car window. The light could have been better for these photos and one day, I'll get it right! In fact there's another good shot to be had on a walking track that goes to one of the chapels - more for the future, when I get my walking shoes on. All around Gorbio is great walking country and many visitors come here to do just that - walk.


  1. Anonymous23 June, 2007

    It is beautiful scenery and your photographed it so well. With all that beauty there has to be a price people must pay. It is either extremely hot to the point of being unpleasant, or, everything costs and arm and let. Or both.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
    My Published Photography
    720 pixels

  2. Well...walking is fine, but I'd prefer to sit in a terraced cafe, sipping kir royale and ovelooking the walkers ;-)

  3. o.k. so wow! Gorbio's facade is stunning. The houses do look like they are tumbling down the hillside :)

    I hope you do get those walking shoes on and show us some more Jilly. I'm truly enjoying looking at your pics of Gorbio.

  4. The second photo strikes me as very Mediterranean (surprise, surprise!). Of course, it seems to be a beautiful town no matter WHAT angle you photograph it from. :)

  5. Wonderful scenery! What an amazing place to live in!

  6. one fine day, i would love to visit there and walk too.

    i love to walk and walk and walk! sis thinks i am crazy. hehe..

  7. Beautiful scenery, the views must be amazing from up there. Will be waiting for you to start your walkabout.

  8. Enchanting and inviting. Think I'll go for a walk. How's the wine? Yeah, that's what I thought. :-)

  9. I like your post today...a lot of sun shine...but today the sky becomes dark in Château-Gontier....


  10. The first photo of Gorbio village is awesome. It looks very different from the previous day photo.

  11. I know Provence well, but more the Marseille Aix Avignon area and I must say I'd never heard of Gorbio. Just another of the spectacular perched villages Provence has to offer. I'll have to come down to your area one day Jilly and visit it. Your photos are wonderful!
