26 July 2007

Portrait of a Lady

It's high summer in Menton. The streets are crowded, the restaurants packed, shops are open till late, there are night markets. This was taken just before 8 p.m. I hope the artist doesn't make this pretty lady look like one of his caricatures. Take a look below - looks good so far.


  1. What nice shots! I need a street artist in my town! I knew something was missing!!!

    The girl is so pretty and the colors are so nice!

  2. wow great artist... i would love to have my own portrait too. but i dont think i can stand it.

  3. I think he captured her melancholy quite well!

    The surroundings look so vibrant - great atmosphere, crowded or not;-)

  4. My first thought is similar to Isabella's--a great environment for work, all those flowers!! Looks like it's going to be a good portrait!

  5. Nice face, beautiful environs! Wish I was there taking in the Menton sun.

  6. What a lovely memorial to Yitshak Rabin that garden is.

    I love street artists. I especially love the ones who do the caricatures :) Sorry Jilly, I sort of wish he had done a caricature of her! :-D

  7. Isabella centered the point. Thank you Jilly. This shot it's touching.
