20 July 2007

A Walk to Chapel Saint Lazare - 3

Just to the left of our walk, there's a tiny track that runs steeply uphill. On one corner is an old mill, currently undergoing restoration - and opposite is this rusty gate. Peer through and what you see is in the photograph below. It looks like a very small mausoleum, don't you think? There is no sign, nothing to indicate who is buried here, if indeed anyone is. I'd think it too small for a chapel and if it's a mausoleum, why isn't it in the cemetery which is at the other end of the village? The third photograph shows this tiny building from a different angle. What do you think it is?

You'd perhaps like to see the old mill? We will, we will. But tomorrow you'll see a knight in shining armour - on a horse, bien sûr.


  1. Anonymous20 July, 2007

    I am already out of breath. Nice photos - really excellent post.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. That is exactly the type of place where I like to be. Gorgeous landscape, and presence of the past....

  3. I'm in need of this walk in this landscape. I imagine that you have a couple of terriers and a hound alongside?

  4. I wonder what that could be and why is it kept behind a locked gate?

  5. I am enjoying my walk but am also out of breath!!!

  6. I'm out of breath and have a slight vertigo - otherwise am enjoying this hike ;-)

  7. Beautiful. I have no idea what it could be.

  8. Glad I put on hiking shoes and brought along water, but I think I need both a walking stick and binoculars, the better to navigate and see more of these glorious views.

  9. I feel that we should all just follow you around your magnificent town(s). The ancient architecture, the artifacts, the scenery. It's all lovely. Those old cast iron gates are brilliant. I reckon that if we are all exhausted from this guided tour, then you must be both fatiguée et contente.
