19 August 2007

La Bénédiction des Animaux

Today is the Fête patronale de la St. Barthélémy in Gorbio. It will be a long day of festivities which started this morning with the blessing of the animals, followed by an important Mass in the Church. The blessing took place in the Place de la République in the village in front of the elm tree planted in the 1700s. There were three or four beautiful horses present and many dogs. Chatting to a lady from the village (she was there with her labrador, Jules, and her Golden retriever, Jim) she told me that in the old days the blessing used to be given outside the church and people would bring their donkeys and other farm animals. You will find photos of some of the dogs in attendance today, including reading the story of Bébé, the grey dog in the foreground, on my Riviera Dogs blog.


  1. Let me say from the git-go that animals, like dogs and cats, were not kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They hold a high place among beings and need no blessing from mortal man.

    Nevertheless, the photography is excellent and the Amerian poodle, with long legs, deserves the title posted on your other blog along with the Mr. Blair humor.

    Nice post Jilly.

  2. Let me say from the git-go that animals, like dogs and cats, were not kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They hold a high place among beings and need no blessing from mortal man.

    Nevertheless, the photography is excellent and the Amerian poodle, with long legs, deserves the title posted on your other blog along with the Mr. Blair humor.

    Nice post Jilly.

  3. Do you reckon that that can prevent them barking at 6 in the morning?
    You could put one of these priests on the payroll !!

  4. A very lovely photograph!

  5. Did you bring Beau along for the "blessing"? Maybe it would help...

  6. Isabella, I didn't take Beau cos he's got abscesses (well happily now they burst absesses) under both ears and wouldn't have tolerated a collar and lead - and I couldn't let him off-lead as, being a hound, he'd have taken off into the wild blue yonder!

  7. Hey, I guessed what this is when I saw it on the portal. I think it's a great practice. I took our dog, Maggi, to one blessing a few years ago, but she was terrified. Inside the Basilica in Minneapolis were dogs, cats, birds, goats, lambs, llamas, but no donkeys or horses. The Mass with all animals present was held indoors but individual blessings were made on the front lawn. I want to go again!

  8. Jilly, this looks like a fun ritual and I'm sorry that your dog is not well. Blessings for Beau from San Diego.

  9. I have heard of this...It's wonderful to see it "in person".

  10. How wondeful I love the old tree - what stories it could tell.

    Love the name of the Labrador too - what great taste!!!!

    If I took my dog she would have everyone up the tree including the priest!!

  11. It is done here in Arkansas too, blessing services for the animals. I do wish there was more kindness given to animals by humans.

  12. Nice and interesting post.
    Some weeks ago I have seen the blessing of a boat, in south of France it's animals...
    Soudain je pense à la chanson de Renaud sur son album "boucan d'enfer" avec son titre :baltique...


  13. Sorry to hear your dog isn't feeling so well...what a beautiful ceremony. I agree with Annie - there needs to be more kindness shown to animals. There's a media circus in the US right now about a major football player involved in a dogfighting ring. The stories are gruesome, but I hope the attention raises more awareness to this awful 'sport'.

  14. A well-deserved blessing for the innocent and loyal companions!
