23 August 2007

Restaurant Beau Sejour

There are only two restaurants in Gorbio. There's the Bar les Terrasses which is quite casual and serves Corsican food and opposite, on the other side of the square, is the Beau Sejour. More upmarket and a beautiful restaurant. When you go inside you sit in a glassed-in terrace which is opened up in summer. It looks down the valley with wonderful views. Good food too. Don't you love the pot of basil and the pumpkins or courgettes - not sure what? - in the bucket?


  1. Je pense que je voudrais le potage de potiron

  2. Yes, I do, very charming and inviting. Good food, you say? Then this place is perfect!

  3. Looks like summer squash and gourds...Whatever it is, such a simple - yet charming - way to add ambiance to the place!
    A feast for the eyes as well as the stomach (or so you say ;-))

  4. Ooh! I'll add it to my list of place to visit when the tourists die down a bit!

  5. Ahh, another delicious photo of, I'm sure, a deliciously cute restaurant! Love the bucket o' basil.

  6. Almost makes me hungry. If I was still smoking anything, I would go there and park my butt and watch the ladies strolling by packing wonderful cameras.

    Nice photography.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  7. I love abe's comments - great place to people watch & drink in the ambience.
    I just finished reading a book about your neck of the woods "Mediterranean Summer" written by a chef on one of those luxury 65 foot yachts you've photographed. Made my tummy growl all the way through :)

  8. The restaurant uses greenery to great advantage. I'd gladly eat there.

  9. Le restaurant à l'air simpatique.
    Quel est le menu aujourd'hui il est midi est j'ai faim

  10. Oh wow....what a beautiful restaurant. I would love to sit there and have a leisure lunch with you. :-)

  11. I like this photo!!!

    (laptop's back but I did lose the pics not saved to emergency store. Anyway....all's well)

    At leas tI still got my "daily Menton" on the spare computer.

  12. It is wonderful that such a tiny town has TWO great restaurants! (been lookigng through all your Gorbio photos this arvo!)

  13. You do find such lovely places!
