19 September 2007

Le patron

This is Franck, the 'boss man' - patron of Le Balico, my favourite Mentonnais restaurant.

Note: since posting this, sadly Franck has sold Le Balico and it's now under new management.


  1. Please, please, tell us, Jillian, have you take the photo these days? I really want to know because it looks so unbelievable warm over there...

  2. Alina, this photo I took on the 4th September but the weather hasn't changed. We've not had rain for months. The photos of the little girl fishing were taken on the 8th September. Today the sun is shining and at the moment it's really hot.

    If you look at Monte Carlo DP you'll see a photo I took yesterday. The Monaco Yacht show is on at the moment so happily the weather is amazing.

    It'll all change soon and then I'll be complaining of flooding - I know it!

  3. Really nice and then I need to ask if "she" has an eye on him or what?

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  4. Hello Franck!

    Jilly, all your photo are beautiful but the last ones are really great. I love the photos of the scouts.

  5. What do you usually eat at this favourite restaurant?

  6. Thank you very much, Jilly.

  7. I sure hope this lovely weather lasts for a while yet Jilly. Maybe some rain to cool it down a bit but certainly no flooding!

    What's your favourite meal to eat here Jilly?

  8. My favourite meal at Le Balico:

    To start - moules (mussels) - they do them really well, small, really tasty.

    Then I always have pasta - whatever is the special of the day - say artichoke ravioli, or spinach and ricotta tortellini - something like that.

    Don't usually have a dessert but if I do it's likely to be Tarte Tatin or fromage frais with blueberries.

    Afterwards, maybe coffee and then they always serve Lemoncello on the house.

  9. Hmmm!! That sounds delicious.

    Next time you eat there, take a photo of all the food. :-)

  10. Hi Jilly,
    I just came across your beautiful Blog by chance- big compliments - you got an eye for scenes and details...
    What concerns the BALICO, dis bonjour à Franck - moi aussi j'adore la tarte Tatin.... depuis beaucoup d'années.. tu a pris de tres belles photos - on aura certainemnet la chance de se renconter au Balico ... ( qui ont fait peau neuve...à bientot
