01 September 2007


This photo had been one of my 'possibles' for yesterday's Theme Day. As I chose another photo, here it is a day late: a plea for people to clean up after their dogs.


  1. ...oh well. 'spose it's time I started to pay attention to the 1st of the Month theme.

    Computer's up and running again. So now I had better get out and find some more photos!

  2. Cute dog, reminds me of my own miniature Duncan when he was a mere pup. Now he's almost 15 years old, graying here and there. We live in Portland and always take a bag or two along on walks with the little guy.

    Thanks for the photo.

  3. I don't speak French, and had you not explained what the photo was about, I would of thought it was a restraurant sign suggesting "take a doggie bag home for your dog". It's not uncommon in America to ask for a "doggie bag" to take uneaten food home for the next day (for the human) - or for their doggie.

  4. you know I love dogs but dog owners that don't clean up after their dogs......need a swift kick in the pants.

  5. We have signs like that all over cities in the US, too. . .It's too bad that we have to remind people to pick up after their dogs, isn't it? As a dog lover and owner (I have two!), I am always careful to pick up after mine.

  6. Hi Jilly, A question: you often mention the walking street in Menton but what street do you mean exactly? I'll be visiting Menton for 3 weeks in October and for that reason I find your blog absolutely terrific. Love your photos. thanks so much.

  7. It seems we were the only ones picking up after our dog in Paris - all the locals used to point at us and whisper "those crazy Americans" ;-)
    I hope that's changing...

  8. Ah, now I know French for Woof.

  9. Eddie, the Walking Street (I should probably call it the Pedestrian Street) is called Rue St. Michel. You'll be able to pick up free maps at the Tourism Office. Please email me privately if you want.


  10. We need those signs in Montpellier.

    I dream of having a dog but I can't have one, living on top of a building and planning to travel..... But I miss having one, really. I like all animals evens spiders and snails. :-))
