11 October 2007


At the FĂȘte de la Branda last Sunday, there were, as always, many stalls selling food: olive oil, olives, goat and sheep cheeses, wonderful breads, honey, charcuterie and so on. The man on the right with the cap on his head is the olive oil man - he lives just below village and produces excellent olive oil and his wife makes home-made jams.

The cages you see on the wall were for sale. I asked him what they were for and he told me for wild birds. 'Why would you keep a wild bird in a cage,' I asked. His reply: 'We keep them there until we're ready to eat them.' I didn't ask how he caught them but presumably with traps - obviously not by shooting, else you'd hardly need a cage, would you?

Later, when I bought some olive oil, he told me he'd sold the cages...oh dear.


  1. I will never think of a cage as something humane again. I wonder if the Aliens will cage us in their zoos or at their homes -- keeping us fresh until we're eaten? Grim thoughts.

  2. Country meets town, eh? Oh dear.

    Good post

  3. Hi Darl - in Bris then back in PNG Sunday. So great to read all your messages while I was away - what loyal blogging friends I have!!!

  4. Nah,
    They are just the right size for ferrets; Or for transporting bottles of olive oil.

  5. What great photos and local history you share! Glad to come across your posts via the Cocteau post! ; )

    Cheers from the us of a!

  6. The survival of the fittest or whatever that saying is...I personally would not be "slaying" them for my dinner table.!!!

    My 100th post is Saturday...come for a visit!

  7. In Mexico we have similars cages, people uses them for birds at their homes.

  8. This reminds me of that sheep post...the one with the little lamb walking behind the little old lady.

    I always find it interesting how some people think so practically about certain things. It's so matter of fact for them that the birds or the little lamb are seen as food...not pets.

  9. Oh, I hate the idea of people keeping wild birds in cages.

    Since you like animals, Jilly, read this :

    Isn't that terrible?
