17 October 2007

One Man and his Dog

Man and dog under the old elm in the village square of Gorbio. The elm was planted in 1713.


  1. I love it, I love this photo! The old man looks so much alike my grandfather - and he had too a little dog always following him...

  2. très belle photo !
    ils sont pas fachés ? ils semble ne pas vouloir se regarder

  3. Bergson - sometimes - usually - when I photograph dogs I make clicky noises or high-pitched sounds to get their attention but in this case I wanted to capture the peaceful feel of these two together. No I don't think they minded, in fact I don't think the old man even noticed me. Lots of people photograph the old tree and perhaps he thought I was doing that!

    There's another photo of the dog (asleep!) on


  4. I like the photograph of the old man and his dog. That is a kind of classic picture. Then I am amazed at the old elm being 294 years old and its base surrounded by the stone wall. And it looks like paving stones over the root system the man's feet are on. That the elm could survive is by the Grace of God and evrything mankind has done to hamper its growth is a kind of tribute to its will to live in spite of everything. And it is magnificent.

  5. Could we subtitle it "Les deux cavaliers"? (unless I'm wrong and this is not Cavalier King Charles).

  6. Great idea, Isabella. Yes, he's a Cavalier King Charles spaniel all right. There's a pic of him asleep on Riviera Dogs.

  7. I really enjoy candid photos of individuals. This one is made even better by the present of the dog and your pointing out the tree ... At one time the US was covered in elm trees. Many died due to disease. There are efforts underway to bring them back to their glory.

  8. Portraits are probably my favorite photos. This is a delightful snap of a relationship between man and dog. Cool!

  9. That's a beautiful portrait.

  10. Fantastic Jilly - four components: man, dog, tree, man's imprint. I love Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Their coats are so soft. This man and this dog are so comfortable and loving with each other.

  11. How absolutley wonderful--two best friends enjoying the sun. What a great photo you have for us today.

  12. Totally adorable!! You can tell they are best friends and they love each other a lot.

  13. I now own one of these delightful dogs....my niece found being a dog owner a bit challenging....considering she has a 1 y/o and a 3 y/o....it was just too much, so ....Aunt Neva to the rescue. I am not sure what I will do when she really wants him back(I assume after he is potty trained and obedience trained!) a reason I CAN NOT be a foster dog mom...I keep them all...
