27 October 2007


Yesterday was a big day in France for Harry Potter fans. The 7th and final volume was available in the shops...la magie continue. You can read more - in French - HERE.

I took this photograph in the summer - a boy, in the centre of Menton, entranced.


  1. Jilly, this is a wonderful portrait. He is indeed engrossed in the book. Great capture.

  2. I'll have to go out and get a copy Jilly. In the meanwhile I was just too tempted to Photoshop harry Potter in my other blog!

    South Shields Daily Photo

  3. So wonderful to see a young lad outside reading instead of inside with eyes glued to a TV monitor, playing computer games. JK Rowling has done an enormous service to our youngest generation.

    Great capture, Jilly.

  4. I agree with mme benaut - books rulz and there should be more of this - kids with their noses in books and not with their noses in computers - like me!!!!

  5. Isn't it great to see kids enjoy reading, especially in today's video game world?

    I remember being a kid his age and loved reading fantasy stories. Now I barely have time to read except on holidays.

  6. Very nice. We should all thank JK Rowling for having got kids interested in reading again.......
