18 November 2007

The caves of Balzi Rossi - 6

This is the Bauma Grande cave where the famous 'triple burial' was discovered - you can't visit this cave though.
The Grimaldi Venus, fashioned in serpentine and depicting a pregnant woman.

Horse engraving in one of the caves

This is the last of our visit to the Balzi Rossi caves - however, I've just one more photograph that shows you just how far we've walked. So come back tomorrow - and after that - we'll go back to Menton!


  1. Je suis un peu claustrophobe, donc il me serait difficile de m'intéresser à des grottes.

    It would be very hard for me to visit caves. I would stifle.

  2. these were fascinating, will be back to see the finale!

  3. Such a treat to explore these caves, with you doing the walking and second-hand-smoke thing on our behalf... Do you think the border was drawn just there between Italy and France, exactly because of the wildly different terrain? And finally, I so appreciate seeing your photos of the landscape of a wonderful novel, Mary Doria Russell's "A Thread of Grace." Thanks, Jilly.

  4. Jilly, your English is just fine, please don't change a thing! And these posts and pictures have been wonderful. It makes me want to visit this area, so you are doing a great job! Thanks so much,

  5. This cave series is captivating!

    I had a few friends who went caving a few weeks ago, and they showed us the pictures, now with more pictures from you, it's tempting!!

  6. Teri, thankyou for mentioning this book. I'd not heard of it but will now look out for it.

    And yes, the border is where the Alpes comes down to the sea. The roads along the various corniches are full of tunnels - in France and Italy as they cut through the mountains.

  7. The Grimaldi family - it's the same one we are familiar with here?

    Thank you for taking us here - and showing us the pregnant figurine - I like her roundness, her fertile features. Next to the sleek horse drawing the difference between male and female seems quite pronounced.

  8. Annie - yes. That's the Grimaldi family of Monaco.

  9. What fun so much to see!!!

    But wait for me - I think I'm lost!!!!

  10. these were fascinating, will be back to see the finale!

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