29 November 2007

Crash, bang, wallop...2

So the guys came and chopped up the fallen tree - you can see the end of it in the photo below, lying on the side of the road. In the photo above, this man is cutting down another tree before it falls in the next rains. This is the lower part of what was a wonderful umbrella pine. Such a pity. That's two trees lost on the road above me.

I now realise how lucky I was. When I bought the house, there were two enormous pines directly above it. They needed trimming and the man I got to do it over-trimmed them in what turned out to be the year of the big drought (about 4 or 5 years ago now). They both died and he had to come back the following spring and cut them down to the ground. I was pretty upset at the time. I love trees. Don't we all? But I now realise had they remained in place, they'd probably have fallen onto the roof of my house this year!


  1. I guess that the removal of the pine trees above you, was poetic justice, rather than justice.

    Here, in the Adelaide hills, the sad removal of fully grown trees, is to lower the risk of bush fires.
    In an Aussie bush fire, the fire can travel like an explosion through the air, and at tremendous speed.
    I think I would prefer a week of rain !

    Anyway, the branches from all our tree loppings get piled up for our annual bonfire, in June, when it is cold and damp.
    You can see one such photo earlier this week on ADP.
    Sometimes we feel ourselves humming the tune, "The hills are alive with the sound of chain-saws !!! "

  2. The death of trees makes me sad. But I understand it is sometimes necessary to pull them down. Have you heard of Anne Frank's tree?

  3. I never realized I was a tree-hugger until I started my Daily Photo blog. Now when I see a tree being removed it hurts.

  4. What is the mark of the professional arborist? Cut above the rope... Cut above the rope!!! I am sorry to hear about your loss. I, too, love trees, and hate to see one go down. When I lived in Washington State, on 45 acres, I had thousands and thousands of trees I could call my own. I miss them all!

  5. Powerful images-- we went through a serious drought years ago, and it took years for the big trees to slowly die--then a heavy rain felled so many of them in a short time! some fell on (into) our neighbors houses. it was a real mess.

  6. I guess it is good news they weren't able to fall on your roof!

  7. Definitely looks like a lucky escape Jilly. Our "tree man", the one that climbs and does all the really difficult cutting, is called Everard. I always think of him as Evergreen! We still need quite a few trees attended to but at $750 a day, its an expensive business!

  8. It's a dangerous job that he does. Hopefully he does it well, leaves little scarring on the landscape.
