04 November 2007


It's the first Sunday of the month - and that means the road that runs along the sea is closed to traffic. As you see, it's a glorious autumn day. The street is full of walkers, cyclists, roller-bladers, runners, dogs and above all, children. The building on the right, by the way, is the Casino. I hung around for an hour taking photographs so do come back over the next few days and see more.


  1. Is it closed on the first day of each month? Is it to give people a chance to relax and walk on the malecon without any obstructive traffic? I'd love to be there; I'd help you walk your dogs!!

  2. Kate, yes. It's closed on the first Sunday of each month - other Sundays sees normal traffic. On that first Sunday, it's safe for children, animals, families. Mind you, I was nearly run over by a kid on a bike this morning who then got yelled at by a nearby policewoman! 'Eh, jeune homme,' she cried.

    Kate, you can come and walk the dogs with me anytime! Yes, please.

  3. Very nice photograph. A tranquil place.

  4. I hope one day you will get a picture of me there... me and my dog. Dream on, people...

  5. Looks a nice Sunday afternoon stroll...I like the way y'all get outdoors!

  6. The weather does look warm and lovely! That's very nice of the authorities to close the road to traffic. It encourages people to get out and get some exercise.
