21 November 2007

No Fishing

Part of the old port of Garavan. This is the harbour nearest to the Italian border. To the left and across the road that runs through the port, is the Laverie you saw yesterday.


  1. Why do they not allow fishing? Is the water polluted or they simply don't want people lining the shore? there must be a good reason, no?

  2. Isadora - what a great name! - I always loved to read about Isadora Duncan.

    I dont' know the answer to your question. This port is quite an enclosed port so perhaps there is pollution from the boats. I can't believe it's because they don't want people lining the shore. I expect they allow fishing on the outer side of the port but not here, the inside part. I'll check it out one day!

  3. I think Jilly you're in right. In Italy (few meteres from there eheh) it's allowed to fish (thank to the old motto that sea own to everyone) and I presume that in France it's the same.

  4. if people were to fish, what fish can they catch there? :-p

  5. Hmmmmm....? I can see that I need to do some fishing research. Keropok Man, I haven't a clue but will endeavour to find out.

  6. Ships and sea...I couldn't ask for a better photo.

  7. un beau port et puis quel temps tu as, c'est impressionnant

  8. Jilly, I have a suggestion on how you can find out the answer.

    Get a fishing pole and sit there until the a policeman comes by. When he says, "No fishing allowed here!" and you can ask him why. :-)

  9. Even with my limited understanding of the French language, I understand this sign.

  10. I wouldn't even try to fish in the port... it's not that clean usually!

  11. isadora asked the question i was going to ask...

    But it looks to have been a beautiful day at the dock

  12. jilly, i hope you are not finding out what fish are there by doing what ming suggested! haha...

  13. Jilly, I find it interesting that all the boats appear to be backed into their slips. While all the boats at the Dunedin Marina seem to pull in bow first. I will have to look more closely next time I am at the Marina.

    I have some pics of it, and I will be posting them one of these days.


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Hi Jilly - the water there is a lot calmer than the water here - very stormy the last couple of days!!!

    I guess they don't want the locals fishing and disturbing all the rich people - maybe????

  15. Wayne, I checked back on a load of pics I'd taken in Menton and in the port of Monaco and all the boats are backed into their place - as in this photo. Surely easier to board that way - no? Be interested to see your photo from Dunedin port.

    Very funny, Ming! - and Keropok Man ! - I suspect a local would come along, long before a policeman, and say something like, 'I wouldn't eat anything I catch if I were you!'

    And 'could be' Jules!

  16. Nice boats Jilly and reversing into the berth makes sense to me!
