05 November 2007


This little girl was one of many children rollerblading in Menton yesterday along the Bord de la Mer - and where the road is closed to traffic on the first Sunday of every month.

Yesterday I went to an exhibition of photos www.photomenton.com I'd expected all the photos to be of Menton, but not so - they were photographs depicting all sorts of subjects. I did talk briefly to a very nice guy called Maxime Peregrini who has taken some wonderful photos of Menton - some of which you can see at www.photoramique.com. At first I was daunted by the talent on display and this exhibition but later got inspired (!) so I thought I'd try the above photograph in black and white but with emphasis on the child herself.

Which photograph do you prefer?


  1. Isn't it fun to experiment! Good work, Jilly. The child is so lucky to live there plus having a safe place to "do her thing."

  2. J'aime le noir et blanc (creatif!), mais preference la couleur. C'est photo bonne de le rue par mer.

  3. In the color picture, the girl is part of the setting because the colors all sort of echo each other, so she seems like an subject that emphasizes the relaxed and easy setting behind her, implying fun, etc.
    If the background is black and white, then she stands in contrast to the setting and since she is an innocent child the contrast implies something more ominous about the background, which could be part of the fact that no on is watching her.
    So I think the two different colorations imply different meanings. I like the color for that reason better, with the girl as a kind of stretto for the setting.
    But in either case, I really like and appreciate your blog, since this is a place that I am not likely to be ever able to visit. Thank you for all your photos and work!

  4. Well done,Jilly. I'm sure you found the visit to the expo very encouraging and we will benefit!!

    I prefer either all colour, or all B&W. I'm not a fan of these quirky Photoshopping things (but that's me). The B & W has some pleasant overall tones and the picture either in colour or gentle B&W is very nice. Soemtimes one or the other is better, but in this case.......both LOVELY.

  5. I prefer the second picture in black and white with selective colour. It leads the eye more naturally to the girl.

    Thanks for your recent comments at South Shields Daily Photo

  6. I like the second picture with b&w background. It just look less crowded and little girl in the roller-skate more coming as point interest.

  7. The second one is my favourite. I've always wanted to try that technique...

  8. Hi Jilly - as you know I love mucking around with photo-shop so I like the second shot - it emphasizes the girl beautifully.

    Can only get to a few blogs tonight and yours is an easy one to download as you only have a few photos on the page - thanks!!!!

  9. Bonne idée cette modification........ Cute little girl.

  10. Thanks so much to everyone for their comments - really helpful. Because Menton is a place of so many wonderful colours, I found it difficult presenting the photo with the black and white background, although perhaps as an 'art' photo, it was indeed better than in full colour and certainly the child stood out more. But representing Menton- - which is what the blog is about, after all - I'm not so sure.

    I intend continuing to experiment tho. Again thanks for the comments and the reasons you gave.

    Jilly x

  11. I would keep the full colour. Love the yellows at the back.

    But then it's only me. I'm a lover of colour and always find it hard to give it up in favour of of B&W, even partially. I think I only ever turned 2 of my pictures to partial B&W, only because the background was obtrusive otherwise. But I'm like you, I love to experiment.

  12. I like them both Jilly but I think the effect in the 2nd photo is very clever. Certainly draws the eye to the little girl - and the yellow chairs.

  13. Great shot and artistic work with the altered pink photo.

  14. Honestly I prefer the first one. In my opinion "Selective saturation" in this case doesn't work too much 'cause eyes are captured by the background too
