30 November 2007

Winter days

Today is one of those glorious autumn/winter days - a perfect south of France day. Not too hot, the air is clear, the sea a perfect blue. I walked an old friend to the top of the Old Town - this is taken from just outside the cemetery at the beginning of Boulevard de Garavan - we've yet to explore this beautiful road, but we will, we will. The sea was so still this morning, barely a ripple.

See the pink rocks, almost dead centre in the hillside that rises from the sea. That's Balzi Rossi in Italy - the prehistoric caves we visited recently.


  1. Beautiful picture. No wonder with such a blue sea and sky around. It looks the same now in Lisbon, the difference being I'm not seeing neither the Tagus River, nor the sea!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. It seems quite deserted now. In October, on this very spot, there were many young people taking sailing lessons and a few brave souls in the water swimming.
    Ah, memories!!!

  3. Oh so very, very beautiful. Jilly, what's the weather like now? It's been raining (here too), I know, but is it mild? Do you see a lot of people at the coast on the weekends?

  4. Looks perfect! How far is Balzi Rossi from where you were standing? Looks like a stone's throw.

  5. Jilly, a perfect photo of Menton, I do wish I was standing there in person.

    Thank you

  6. Excellent post, picture, and description. And I can totally see myself paddling my kayak in those gorgeous waters!

  7. Looks absolutely Divine, Jilly.

  8. If winter in Sweden looked like this I would never ever complain. A stunning view.

  9. aaahhh...after all that bad weather I'm glad to see some blue skies in paradise again :-D

    I'll have to start getting in shape for that Boulevard de Garavan walk Jilly!

  10. Getting in shape sounds right ! You must have fiercely strong legs after walking all those hills.
    I am wondering if this view of the marina is visible from Gorbio? I reckon that the hills, in between, probably just block it out. In any case, the cemetery must be on very steep hillside land, but very close to the beach.

    Your winter looks much like our summer !!

  11. Beautiful photo! Though it looks nothing what winter looks like here in Northern Ontario!

    Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.
