19 December 2007

The mystery of the finger nails

Do blow up this photograph and take a look at what the lady has in her hand. She's is in the middle of cutting the man's fingernails. Now I find this rather strange. Here they are sitting on a nice bench by the sea - by Le Bastion, in fact, not far from the main market area. Is this the place to cut fingernails? I have tried to think this through. I don't imagine they live together else surely, if he needs someone to cut his finger nails, then they'd do it at home. And why can't he cut his own fingernails?

Anyone got the answer to this?



  2. That does not seem very strange to me. I think it is very difficult to cut your fingernails when you are older and you don't see well.

    If I could I would cut my toenails outside because when I cut them I need to vacuum clean because of the little pieces of nail that have fallen on the ground.

  3. Hmm...I agree with Marie, cutting outside is nice since you don't have to worry about cleaning. As for cutting someone else's nails, my husband and I each do our own. However, my sister's husband does hers for her and it is one of those nice things he does to pamper her as she takes care of all things around the home.

  4. how come she doesn't need eyeglasses to do that--

  5. Cutting each others nails is really nice at that age. They are a lovely couple.

    Perhaps 40 years ago the same park bench was used for kissin' an' stuff !

    Ah ! Memories.

  6. That's what happens when you're married to the same guy for 40 years and he depends on you for EVERYTHING.

    Not that I know anything about that myself.

  7. I think clipping your own nails can be difficult, at least with the "wrong" hand (ie do your left hand if you're lefthanded because you're no good at using your right hand).
    And then I agree about the old couple habits that people take. Maybe she started this 40 years ago as a love game...

    Why outside? They are exhibitionists!!!

  8. Well, I'll put my tuppence worth in and say that they have been married for 40 years; you can tell because they are sitting close together - as opposed to her being the lady on the park bench who does it for a couple of euros for every passing elderly gentleman - he has rather bad arthritis in his hand. She had almost finished and only had his little finger left to do on that hand - notice that it is raised in preparation for attention - and at the precise moment she was to cut, he said something that disturbed her and she withdrew her hands. She is saying her piece and he is not amused at her reaction. I doubt that this particular fingernail will ever be cut again, despite the fact that they are actually travellers and their caravan's lighting is too poor to do such delicate work inside.
    Hee Hee Jilly, what an amusing post.

  9. A little glimpse of life lived and wonderful imaginations of your readers. Ming's take on the dependence of men after years and years of marriage and the caregiving of women struck me as just right.

  10. I love all your reactions to this. Personally I liked the intimacy of the couple and that she was helping him but it also struck me as totally gross to cut nails in public - but I can see it didn't strike them, or any one else in this way - so perhaps it's a British thing or age? Perish the thought.

    Thanks so much for the comments - found this really fascinating.

  11. post and comments were very interesting. Cutting nails makes sense outside because those things can fly!

  12. First, why is she cutting his nails: when my grandfather had alzheimer's disease, I used to cut his nails. Second, why outside: why not.

  13. I have been thinking; perhaps he is vision impaired ?

  14. Jilly, my wife would agree with you that clipping your finger nails in public is gross ... However, my thoughts are how sweet and caring the act is.

  15. I have enjoyed reading all these comments too! Photobloggers all have such wonderful imaginations - must be the creative side expressing itself.

    Cutting your lover's nails borders on intimacy; maybe like Nathalie suggested it started out as a love game years ago. I would rather think that than that the old duffer is too feeble to do his nails himself:)

    I had a girlfriend once who had worked as a beautician while in school and liked to take care of my nails like that. I always thought it was very sweet and caring; but she absolutely would never do it in public.

  16. Yet another of life's little mysteries. I can understand why she's cutting them for him, but cannot understand why she's doing it on a park bench in public! eeeegross!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. they are both sharing our experineccing with each other.

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