12 January 2008

Roquebrune village - 14

This is the butcher's shop in the village. The church is off to the left. Notice the two plastic bottles outside? Do you know what these are for? Most original answer gets a postcard of Roquebrune village - and first correct answer gets one too.


  1. It depends, Jilly. If the bottles are full, they coud be intended for you four-legged shopping companion.

    If they are empty, however, hmmm...perhaps for someone a trifle incontinent? ;-)

  2. I was going to say that they were for the 4-legged babies who wander with the parents through the city. But, Isabella already said that...

  3. Une boucherie avec des vins a vendre? Hum...

    Hope my french wasn´t bad.

  4. Parking your goldfish or is it something to do with the Da Vinci Code?

  5. Funny comments from Isabella and Clarice. To be honest, I'm not sure but perhaps to wash down the stone after the 4 legged friends have peed against the wall?
    I've just had a look at the posts of Roquebrune Village for the past few days and they are really beautiful Jilly. Roquebrune looks like the most picturesque place.
    More pavlova at ADP today.

  6. Je suis idiot. M.B hasn't posted the pavlova pic! Desolee.

  7. Jilly, It's too early for me to be original (5:35 am here in Mazatlan), but I think it's for passing joggers who don't mind sharing. I'm interested in the name of the shop, which is my Mother's single surname. I guess it's a fairly common name, tho.

  8. Hmmm, since this is a butcher shop, maybe they want the flies to feed on the bottle of some kind of solution then to attack the meat? I am not sure, just guessing.

  9. well I'm sure puzzled - my internet connection is on go-slow and I went and lunch while the big picture downloaded. The bottles are capped so it can't be to catch flies and if was used to wash walls or pour over warm doggies there'd probably be some puddles.

    I think they are there so the priest can come from the church to collect some when the font needs replenishing!

  10. My sensible answer would be that they contain a liquid for killing ants. A silly answer would be that it is a code. The butcher is having an affair & the bottles indicate that his wife will be away for the evening, so his mistress knows that it is safe to come over.

  11. Is it for tourists who turn up to the shop to find it closed for lunch; to save them from dying from thirst while they are waiting for it to reopen.

  12. I think the bottles are there to stop dogs peeing against the walls !?! Maybe there is something about plastic bottles that puts them off. The bottles may be filled with water so that they don't blow over with the fierce winds that can whistle down these little streets.

    Kate, "Laurent" can be both a surname and a first name in France. I suppose that in this case, as "Chez Laurent" is painted on the shopwindow, it is or was a first name.

    If anyone is interested, the butcher's shop is currently FOR SALE !!!

  13. They are the new Yves St. Laurent line of designer plastic water bottles, served only at Chez Laurent. :-)

  14. redwhiteblue gets the prize for the correct answer. You see plastic bottles in all the villages around here - placed to deter dogs peeing against the building. The theory being - and I've heard two theories on this - 1. that the sunlight reflects off the water in the bottle and the dog doesn't like to pee. The second theory is that there is a smell in the plastic that the dogs don't like. I've also heard that because there is water in the bottle, a dog won't pee on water that could be drunk. I find that harder to go along with.

    You can read a little more - not much - at this link:


    The postcard for the most original answer was more difficult. I laughed at several and so there are joint winners. Hyde DP and Gail's Man. Please send me your snail mail addresses - my email address is jilly@pensionmilou.com

  15. Ming - you posted as I did - you get a postcard too. Send your snail address!

  16. Wow...glad I came to this post late. It was so much fun reading all the comments and then discovering the mystery solution with zero effort! :-)

  17. Thank you for the quiz. Now I know. I was laughing so hard at some answers too especially gail's man about the mistress...hahaha

  18. I think the bottles represent a grateful gift of 'spirits' to the spirits of the animals who became the products of the butcher shop.

    I like the picture, bottles or not. :)

  19. Here they use them to keep off (in same way) cats... Lately I noticed less bottles than some time ago. It roves that probably don't help eheh :-)

    By the way I love so so much this little shop and I envy the seller 'cause I would like to be at this (or her) place. Open each day my little shop, exchange some words with people that surely I know, read the newspaper, listen to the radio... And life, slowly go on.

  20. Well Jilly, I must thank you so much. This evening I tried this bottle thing with my dogs and guess what? It WORKED!! :-D

    I am elated! I've tried every spray, gadget and gizmo on the market to get my dogs to stop peeing in one particular area. Who knew that just putting bottles of water down would have done the trick!

    Thanks again girl!
