02 February 2008

Château of Roquebrune - the Great Room - 2

We are still in The Great Room. The original vaulted ceiling collapsed after fire in 1506 and was replaced in 1528 when Augustin Grimaldi installed a panelled ceiling. He attempted to make the castle less austere and more comfortable. At that time, the mullioned window you see with the benched seats was also made. Before that the only natural light came from small 20 cm. openings. In 1597 cannonballs fired by the Duke of Guise's Provencals set fire to this wooden ceiling and it has never been built again.

Notice the well in the centre of the room? This went down to an 80 cubic metre tank built in the very beginning. There is a round structure nearby - on the ground - with a raised edge. I asked the guide about this and it was obvious she's been asked many times but doesn't know its use. Perhaps it was used to hold the bucket used to haul the water out of the well?

Tomorrow? We'll see where the food was stored and we'll start to explore the Guardhouse.


  1. Wow! Built-in window seats in 1500's - who would have thunk it?
    I like your explanation for the round thingie on the floor, it just makes sense.

  2. Boy, all I can think of when I see this room is how cold and dark it must have been in the winter time.

    The view of the garden out that window must have been so pretty though.

  3. All of these pictures are so neat. I would love to visit it.

  4. Great picture and I sure like the sun light on the floor!

  5. OH! The Lighting here is fabulous!

  6. What a great place....looks like a good place to visit.

  7. You provide a great deal of interesting history with your photos!

  8. What a amazing place! Great photo!
