06 February 2008

Château of Roquebrune - Nobleman's Dwelling: the Armoury

This is the Armoury which was also used as a living room and bedroom for the Genoese Castellan who was first and foremost a soldier. In the XIIIth century furniture was rudimentary. In the main it consisted of iron banded trunks containing precious objects, materials and clothes, and which also served as seats. When the Lord visited the castle he slept in this room in a four poster bed.

Below, you see a painting of this room in the XIIIth century, with the Castellan administering justice.

Note: I've added a painting of the prison so click on link if you'd like to see the poor souls languishing there.


  1. superbe visite, très bonne idée ce mélange de photos et de dessins, on se rend mieux compte.

  2. Why, Jilly, this looks downright cozy! Could I book it for a stay when I visit and harass you?!

  3. It was a great ideia to show us a drawing about the inside a castle and where the landlord received people.
    Nice photo also.

  4. ...coming up nicely. Well worth the effort! And the climb!!!!

  5. Jilly, I have been in love with your blog ever since I discovered it, but I have to tell you that the way you've put together this particular tour is knocking my socks off. Atta girl! :)

  6. What an interesting post today! I sure loved reading it and seeing your images!


    Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
