07 February 2008

Château of Roquebrune - View from the Medieval Window

After so many days of bleak rooms in the castle, let get some fresh air! Especially as it's Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo's One Year Anniversary (please read message below)

So let's look out of a window - in fact, let's look out of the Medieval Window in the Great Room. Do click on the blue link above to see this extraordinary room, the window and window seats.

We are looking down, over some of the village roofs, past the XIIIth century Eglise Sainte Marguerite, to Cap Martin which juts out into the Mediterranean. Below you see a painting of Augustin Grimaldi, Bishop of Grasse, receiving a visitor. It was Grimaldi who installed this window during the 1528 restoration of the castle, which he used as his summer residence.


Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo - FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Thank you to the City Daily Photo family for your encouragement, generous comments, fantastic help from talented photographers and most of all, friendship. Working on Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo has changed my life. I now see - really see - my beautiful part of the world. I only looked before...

And of course, a massive thankyou to Eric of Paris Daily Photo, whose brilliant vision this was and to Demosthenes and Igor, who put in endless time working on the technical issues in keeping us all up and running.


  1. Ah, that first photo, what a dream it is!

    Happy blog anniversary, Jilly. Here's to many more! :)

  2. Happy birthday to your blog, dear Jilly! And many others to come! What you say about the difference between to see and to look makes me think to this photo blog "Voir ou regarder", do you know it?

  3. Best wishes Jilly on doing 2 sites at once. Twice the headache for you, but twice the pleasure for us.

  4. Alice, yes. See = voir and Look = regarder. I hope I explained it properly but am sure you know what I mean. It's so easy to look at a view and not REALLY see it. Somehow, now that I look through my camera, I see everything through that little oblong screen on the back of the camera, and really see it as I attempt to frame the image. As do you!

  5. Bon anniversaire et longues vies à tes blogs.

    Je suis toujours heureux de leur rendre visite tes photos sont toujours très belles et ton ciel souvent bleu me fait souvent réver

  6. The sea, the sky, the shadow. I love the pic. Happy anniversary.

  7. Bonjour à nouveau!
    First I post the small photo (I choose small and left), then I post the large one (and I change 400 in 640 as usual), at last I write my caption.
    I hope it helps you?

  8. félicitation pour ce premier anniversaire, c'est un cap important (surtout que tu géres deux blogs). Et surtout bonne continuité pour tes deux blogs. Alors Champagne pour tous le monde.

  9. First of all, let me wish you and your blogs a happy birthday. I'm a late visitor but much found of the photos you show us on this one. I love France and I think you have an unique way of showing us amazing things.
    Like the first shot, the one of the window... it's a true piece of art.

  10. Jilly, congratulations on your first anniversary. I hope you have many more. You give me so much pleasure every day with your wonderful photos.


  11. What a lovely view - i wouldn't mind that being my view :-)

    And happy first of hopefully many more blog anniversaries!

  12. Happy anniversary! Menton is one my "places to visit" list thanks to your blog. Great window photo today.

  13. Thanks for all your blogs. You really bring me joy every day.

  14. I cant believe I missed a day. At least the window has a great view. Nice job of adding the paintings....and Happy Birthday.

  15. A day to celebrate! I am happy that you are part of this blogging "family." Thank you for your photos, history lessons, and your friendship. Love the way you framed this photo!!

  16. Happy first birthday, Jilly. We have seen the mountains and the sea. We have seen the seasons and the festivals. We have seen you become an ambassador for your town(s).
    We now need to visit and see the next dimension; - and of course, - we will.
    Thank you ; we now know things that we never would, until you showed us. And we are far the richer for it.

  17. Happy Birthday. Your photo for today and the history it represents is a wonderful photo for your birthday.

  18. Breathtaking view! Congrats on your blog anniversary...I love your photo blogs...and go to a lot of the Daily city blogs - it's great arm chair travel...

  19. Happy anniversary! What a beautiful photo.

  20. Just got in - been out taking photographs for Monte Carlo DP. Oh it's a hard life!

    Thanks so much everyone for all the comments.

    And for Chuckeroon, from Richmond Daily Photo, I specially want to say thanks for all the teaching lately - trying to get me to understand what white balance is and F.2 settings as opposed to whatever...I really appreciate all the help, Chuckeroon. It's made all the difference to me. Now at least I know what the buttons on the camera means, even if I don't know quite what they do!

  21. Jilly, I don't think that I've seen a more perfect view...it's heavenly!

  22. This is a fantastic photo - and what a view! Happy Birthday!!

  23. Congratulations for the one year of posting. It's a great achievement and I'm sure you will keep going for next milestone.

  24. Nice photo and very well done! I love window shots like this one. Congratulations on your anniversary and keep going. I love visiting and seeing the beautiful light and vistas you provide.


  25. Happy Birthday, Jilly!

    Thank you for keeping my memories of Menton alive and in technicolor!

    That window shot is breathtaking!

  26. Thanks for sharing a window to your city. The image you posted today is just beautiful and is perfect to celebrate you are one year old.

  27. I think my husband said most of it Jilly - we are much richer for the experience of visiting your one year old blogs and "seeing" all that you see through your lens. Visiting you is certainly a treat in my day. So, Happy First Birthday dear Jilly.

  28. Happy Birthday to your blog, Jilly. It is really a pleasure seeing your beautiful photos! I learn so much reading your historical information.

    And thanks for your nice comment on my Cloud's post.

  29. Happy Birthday to your blog! What amazing photos you have posted. I love reading the information you post, its wonderful.

  30. Oh I am so late to the party! lol :)

    One year already? Congrats Jilly! You do a beautiful job. I now feel as though I have actually been to Menton and Monte Carlo...even if only as a virtual tourist ;)

    I thought the view might be pretty only in the summer, that mayhap the window overlooked a beautiful garden. I was wrong. It's a beautiful view any time of the year! Wow! I wish I had a view like that one!

  31. As said in Montecarlo DP, I'm very sorry to be in late Jilly and I hope you will accept my HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!

  32. Happy Blog Anniversary. That is a nice view.

  33. Belated congratulations, Jilly! Your lovely photos keep me going while I try to find a way to fit some time in Menton into my all-too-short trips to Paris or the Quercy.

  34. Happy Birthday to your Blog! It is a most beautiful place to visit!

  35. I had to come back and look out that window again. I am a sucker for views. In Nyack I have a river view, and up in the Catskills I am atop a very high mountain--the view is the thing for me--but a view of the sea ... nothing beats that view. and I swam in that sea a few times, and boated on it, so that makes it all the more I don't know, familiar to me I guess. Sunny weeks spent in total leisure. Thinking, what would it be like to just live here always?
