23 February 2008

Fête du Citron - The Isle of the Lost - 2

Here's the same display we saw yesterday but taken from the top of the steps that dissect the Jardins Biovès. This perhaps shows even better the size of the dragon - seen in relation to people. As you can see, everyone is well wrapped up. Blue skies but still rather chilly for February in Menton although it's warmed up a little since I took this batch of photos.

Fénix asked how many Lemon Festivals I've visited and which one I've liked best. So time for a confession: I've lived in Menton for 17 years and last year was the first time I visited and even then, I only went so I could take photos for Menton Daily Photo! I'd seen photos each year in Nice-Matin - crowds of people in the streets watching the floats go by. Also photos of the permanent displays in these gardens. Somehow I didn't think I'd like it, didn't think I'd like massive crowds, thought it might all be rather trite. How wrong I was! I was surprised how fabulous it all is, how beautifully made the displays are and yes, the wonderful smells. Many people - probably the majority - come to Menton specially for the Festival and so there is a marvellous holiday atmosphere and I find I can pretend I'm not really taking a few hours off work but am on holiday too. It has that effect.

Last year's Theme was India and you can see photos of that by clicking on the Fête du Citron link on the right hand side of this blog. I wish, now, I'd seen the festival the year it featured Tintin and his dog, Milou.

Tomorrow - we'll see the rotten fruit being replaced and talk a little about the 'true' Menton lemon.


  1. I am still astonished to see how many things your city can make out of citrus. I am amazed that the whole thing stays together.

    I suppose any festival is akin to watching or seeing the Rose Parade. How many rose parades can you see. The themes and the floats make them bearable. I remember our whole family sat around watching the first few years because,

    1). We had a new color television set and there was little in color to be seen in those days. We even stayed up to watch Kraft cheese commercials. And,

    2). It was a novelty for us. Like the first time we saw Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel, Jr. jump over a school bus on his motorcycle.

    We need something like this here in Brookville. We don't have much to get excited about here except once in every decade or so, a building falls down or the city tears one down.

    I must say that your photography is really nice and your positions taking them are nice too.

  2. Wow, I've never heard about the Fête du Citron, but it looks a great event to visit! It's amazing the imagination people have to create all that: turtles, dragons, castles... Incredible!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I like this picture with the people around..It's like beeing there and it gives a better idea of the displays size!!
    Poor oranges though...never mentionned!!!

  4. Jilly, isn't it interesting how we start doing things for our blogs and the unforeseen pleasure we take in the process? Thanks for your thoughts on that...

    Thanks for your comment also about the "Pray like Us" painting(pray like the US?) . I too find it scary. Maybe that's what it's meant to be. A wake up call. At least that's how I prefer to see it.

    Now for the Monte Carlo men... oh how I look forward to your future captures!

  5. This photo really captures the spirit of the fête and the enormity of that dragon :). What a wonderful event, I too would come to Menton especially for this festival. Your photos of last year's theme are fantastic too. Oh, how I wish I were there... :)

  6. Great photo Jilly. looks like some much fun1

  7. That is amazing, and quite pretty!!

  8. Jilly, I've really enjoyed this series - well, no surprise there, since I enjoy most of your photos but I appreciate the effort you make in bringing together a collection of photos under the same theme and the interesting and historical commentary you add. If I miss a day here and there, I can enjoy going back to the beginning and catching up. I think that Corsica is one of my favourites although I appreciate the totems of all the other islands too.

  9. I love the humor in this one.

  10. Yikes, that's a big lemon of a dragon.

  11. The amount of time doing this must be amazing....

  12. I love the dinosaur in the photo. He is adorable, especially the teeth...missing teeth.
