31 March 2008

Rue Longue - 8

A reader, who stays in Rue Longue when she visits Menton, has asked how the renovations are coming along. Last year there were times were it was almost impossible to get from one end to the other. Please click on the link to see how it was then.

Well - there IS progress but you'd not want to be wearing high heels! More after tomorrow's Theme Day.


  1. c'est un vrai lifting que l'on lui fait a la rue longue. J'espère qu'ils vont garder le style ancien de la rue.

  2. Urban renovation works are always annoying, aren´t they?
    And some seem to be endless ...
    that street could be in Portugal.

  3. Well, if they left the excavation and filled it with water,

    that street could be in Venice !
    Just needs more washing hanging across the canal.
    The old architecture and the colour-washes on the walls are lovely.
    However the electric supply is a bit novel. I'm sure that is being upgraded too ?

  4. Next step, the cobblestones?

  5. They did hide most of the cables. :)

    There is progress, yes, considering the work started in the middle of the winter. Oh, but, wait a minute, you guys don't get snow there... Anyway, it looks like Rue Longue will be ready just in time for the tourist season.

  6. I wanted to register to the theme day but it was too late.....

    I had a look at the photo "behind" the link. Mon dieu, there was a tunnel under the street. I hope they have not "bouché" it!

  7. Oh, I do like photos of streets and such. . .This one is lovely.

  8. Les coulisses de Menton!

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  10. Still a little work; the electrician is late

  11. well compared to that other photo, there is a lot of progress! It is a charming street, I adore the lamps on the walls, so picturesque!

  12. Encore en mauvai état...mais elle donne envie de s'y promener.

  13. I adore this street. Lucky for me I gave up high heels a few years ago.

  14. We have cobblestones in downtown Memphis that are murder on heels, too. This street is beautiful...I dream of seeing places like this one day!

  15. this is a lovely photo, very picturesque...

  16. Lovely shot. Is that sawdust all over the ground?

  17. The street is as charming as I remember it but... let's say it's work in progress!!!

  18. Definitely not high heels!

  19. Thank you for stoppig by my new blog.
    Just been perusing your images, Wonderful! My partner and I intend to live somewhere in the south of France one day, but until then,it's next holiday in Nice,(Montpellier last year) and living vicariously through your images.

    I wasn't aware of the themed photo, it was a coincidence on my part.


  20. Nice alley with interesting buildings.

  21. It looks like they have moved down almost to St. Michele. Thanks for the update. I've been curious to see how they are progressing from last fall.

  22. good picture ... would have liked to see it peopled though!
