07 April 2008

Fire over Menton!

A couple of hours after I took the main photograph a fire devasted 50 hectares of land above Garavan. Had I remained in Menton just a little longer I would have had a photograph for you but back home in Gorbio, I don't see this part of the town. In the smaller photograph, taken a few days later, you can see the burned forest behind the church spires. With fires so early in the year, it doesn't mode well for a fire-free summer.

One of this blog's readers who visits Menton regularly wrote soon after telling me he'd seen the fire on the Menton webcam. I didn't know there was a webcam so am most grateful for the information. Thankyou, Don. You'll find a link on the right hand side of this blog - or click on the link. It seems you get control of the camera, which is located at St. Agnes, for 2 minutes. You then get a choice of 10 locations to view, with zoom control too.

Note: this webcam isn't working at the moment. I'll add it to the sidebar when it's working again. Technical problem!

The beach webcam, tho, always works although it's less impressive and with just the one view along the beach to the Old Town. See link on right.


  1. Sorry to hear about the fire. This looks like a lovely part of the old town.

  2. Not knowing where the Menton Webcam is sounds like me. It would be like not knowing where the public restrooms are. When people stop, ring my doorbell and ask where they can take a leak I always tell them at the city building.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  3. My apologies, Jilly, I flat out forgot to praise your skills with the camera. You live in a rich man's environment that is so much more exciting that a cornfield, like I do, so I would be stunned to actually see an ugly picture. Nice photography.

  4. j'arrive pas a lancer la Webcam, peut être trop de monde. La mauvaise saison des incendies commencent tôt :o(. Sinon un paysage magnifique

  5. I am going to have to check out the webcam. Your photos are very nice. I am sure the webcam is not the same.

  6. So you guys get summer fires, like in California? :(

    I tried the camera, not working for me right now. I'll try again later.

    What a gorgeous view you've captured!

  7. Jilly, this is, again, an awfully pretty picture. I had no idea that you had bushfires in Menton. It must have been very difficult to control, given the steepness and inaccessibility of the terrain. I hope that the areas around the auto-route to Italy are more easily accessible to les pompiers.
    I can see how you are enjoying this new toy. It has brought a whole new dimension into picture taking !! Bravo.

  8. Are you already having summer fires?
    That's awful ...

  9. We left Menton after six weeks but not before we watched this fire from our apartment. It was quite spectacular. Especially after dark and the air planes had stopped dropping water from the Med. then you could see the pompiers up on the road watching over the few houses.

  10. I wanted you to know that I stopped by, but because of my shoulder surgery, I can't type with both hands. Visiting the sites, though, has helped brighten my day!


  11. Not a good sign if fires have begun this early. Perhaps we could send a little of our unseasonal cold down your way

  12. Supergrandmere, fascinating to read your account of the fire. Thank goodness it did no more damage than it did. Those Canadair planes are amazing. Some summers I've seen four at a time swoop into the sea to pick up water.

  13. Very nice photo. I like the pastel coloured buildings.

  14. Are forest fire common in Menton?

    Hope nobody was hurt in the fire.

  15. Those spires and palms are just magnificent! Great photography.

  16. nice photo...but too bad there was a fire... hope nobody got hurt...

  17. wow! So pretty! What a beautiful spot! Love the Italian guy talking with his hands, too! :-D Mary

  18. I suggest everyone Google "Italian hand gestures explained", an excellent YouTube video.

  19. I hope the problem was not too serious. The photo is splendid!

  20. Oh Jilly, I hope this is the only fire this year. :-(

    Not likely, but one can hope can't one?
