26 April 2008

A Grave Birth

You never know what you'll find wandering around the beautiful cemetery above the Old Town.

I wonder how the inhabitants of this grave would feel if they knew a seagull had taken up residence to sit on her eggs?

She kept a very beady eye on me so I didn't stay long.


  1. Nice photos!
    The "residents" are probably glad that someone is visiting...
    (dePury clan sure's got the longevity gene!)

  2. Nice photography. What a patient parent she is.

  3. They would have been thrilled Jilly. Fancy that, new life erupting on the roof to your bones. Wonderful. Very humorous post dear.

  4. Mmmm... thanks for the sympathy -:)

    Great photo of mom. Will you check back from time to time to see how her family develops? Could be interesting.

  5. She is very pretty, and a good mom-to-be. I'll bet that the occupants would love seeing new life there.

  6. love your photo selection. thanks for visiting my blog, hope to see you around again soon .

  7. What a great close-up. If it were my grave and I knew what was happening up there, I'd be glad of it.

  8. That's a very pretty seagull. Her neighbors downstairs must be happy to have her adorning their resting place.

  9. Well you know what they say, home is where the heart is. Or the eggs and nest :-)

  10. she looks so serious, almost like a decoy!
    how bright it is there!

  11. I imagine this is probably a fairly quiet place for her to get those eggs to hatch! Nice photos.

  12. At least no human will disturb her eggs.:) Nice photo shot of the bird.

  13. That is an incredible shot, I should say incredible shots ... what a beautiful Gull!! Funny I took a shot of three gulls yesterday on the west coast of Florida just because they look so different from the ones I see in Kissimmee!

    Awesome post!
