06 May 2008

Brocante - The Stallholder's Dog

So many of the stallholders have dogs. When I asked this lady if I could take a photograph she was delighted, but as you see, she looked down, eyes almost closed: if she couldn't see me, I couldn't see her. She wanted the concentration to be on her adored dog. The dog is old - notice the growth on his head - the lady assured me it's just a 'fatty lump' not serious. He's a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and something else - she didn't know what. Certainly he's bigger than a Cavalier. You can see another photograph of this lovely dog on Riviera Dogs.


  1. bravo, un beau portrait. c'est sympathique les gens qui acceptent de se laisser prendre en photo.

  2. They both have sweet faces - seem to project that life is good.

  3. He looks wonderful, I am sure a great pet.

  4. He's a cute little dog and perhaps he Cavalier KC Spaniel was crossed with a small English collie?

  5. Magnificent thoughtful looking dog and an owner full of pride. Gorgeous.

  6. He seems to have posed for you! He reminds me of the old Staffordshire porcelain spaniels that one often finds at the brocante. A lovely photo!

  7. What a beautiful old dog!

  8. He looks adorable and much loved!
    Great photo!

  9. it's a beautiful photo and dog... i always have a soft spot for the older animals, and feel bad when they have growths like this...

  10. What a sweet dog! He looks observant and wise.

  11. I thought he looked like a larger Cav! What a sweet dog...you always have the most wonderful dog photos.

  12. Anonymous07 May, 2008

    I wonder what it is? When I first saw the picture I thought this was an old dog. He doesn't have the gray hair and other than the lump looks like a young kid. Almost. Whatever "almost" is makes him just look old to me. I looked at his other picture and he looks younger there.

  13. What stories he could tell - how sweet & gentle he looks!!!

  14. Anonymous07 May, 2008

    It is a beautiful photo...even if she didn't look right at you...she was looking at her beloved companion and the love shows.

  15. Those flowers behind them are so pretty Jilly!
