25 May 2008

A View from the Balcony

Here's the old man we met yesterday - he lives on the top floor of this house. He doesn't walk easily and it always surprised me he can get up the stairs. I don't for one moment expect he has a lift. Perhaps he tends the balcony's flowers? Perhaps his wife?

(Internet & phone still down. Hopefully up by Wednesday. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).


  1. Hello, Jilly. Sorry not to have dropped in more often to see your great photos. Every town or neighborhood has one of these cute little guys, and I loved the way you presented him in both cases. Will we see a photo tomorrow of the inside of his house, or of "Madame? :<)

  2. J'adore les balcons et fenêtres du sud avec leurs nombreuses couleurs.

    Je n'ai pas souvent vu de "papy" au balcon ; il devait faire chaud et ils faisaient la sieste lorsque j'ai visité

  3. The flowers look so jolly on that little balcony. This is a very sweet photo Jilly. Hope that the phone comes back on soon!

  4. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    Beautiful composition!

  5. I love that balcony. What a sweet little man :)

  6. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    I also love the balcony. And the old man in the old house, too. I think this photo was a perfect choice for the weekend.

  7. Wonderful colourful composition.
    We are now wondering how is he in life ?
    He must have a lot of history in his head and tales to tell about the town in its earlier days. Maybe his good friends are popping off. But if old boy fancies himself a bit as a ladies' man, perhaps there is more to tell ??

    BTW, congratulations for your photo, published in the International Herald Tribune.
    Try as I might, I could not find it, nor any helpful links.
    Perhaps when the phone is restored, you can fill us all in.

  8. He has the balcony to watch over everything when he cant be down by the tree. It looks great.

  9. What a beautiful balcony! The flowers look lovely and well cared for...

  10. Balconys are always so beautiful and colorful in Mediterranean countries :)

  11. What a great photo and a delightful little story to think about!! Just came by to say "Hello" to a few people today! Hope all is well with you!

  12. With flowers like those, and his apparent sense of flirtation, he must know a secret about living life.

  13. He does have his work cut out each day up and down those stairs. The balcony is so lovingly tended to an he is does indeed look so at ease witht the world.

    I hope the cyber cafe experience isn't too much of a nightmare. I always find them hit and miss.

  14. Love the color and textures in this shot. Also, your dear old friend really brings a sweet personal touch.

  15. Sorry to hear about your internet! But you're diligent enough to post at a cafe! Luv this one too!

  16. Lovely flowered balcony.
    His wife is already asleep downstairs!!

  17. I love this picture! So mentonnais! So provençal!
    Thanks Jilly to share with us your poetry.
