03 June 2008

House in the Hills - 2

Here you see the same house as shown yesterday, plus another one in front of it. I can't work out if it's built into the rock or there has been a rock fall at the side of the house?


  1. I had a close look at the enlarged photo Jilly and I think that the house was built after the excavation. Looks like solid rock to me. Both are very attractive houses. Which one is yours????

  2. Very interesting houses. Quiet and peaceful,like out of the world.

  3. They must have been hard to build, but they're probably pretty solid! What an amazing place to live. Do they have great views to go with their pretty houses?

  4. You certainly have some very beautiful places to live there.
    Sorry about the posts yesterday, dont quite know what went wrong there.:(

    Mab :)

  5. cela donne une impression de jungle, c'est vraiment magnifique. superbe photo, cela donne vraiment envie

  6. I wonder if the rock goes into an undgergound wine cellar? It does look like an idylic location, but I am biased towards this area anyway. Lovely image.

  7. What wonderful homes! Very beautiful area!

  8. Anonymous04 June, 2008

    I am not used to such houses. I am still in the dark ages of "California Ranch Styles."

  9. I'd love to see the inside of those handsome villas.

  10. Like you, "Louis" is curious to know if that is a rock slide or if the house is built into the rock.

  11. Looks like it was built on the rock Jilly. I love these homes and your photos. Really enjoying catching up. Beautiful!

  12. Magnifique et merveilleusement décalé !
