25 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 19 - the cool guy

Sunglasses on head, phone to ear, cigarette in hand, cool clothes - does this add up to a cool guy? He's taking time out from the reception, sitting under the old elm tree which was planted in 1713.


  1. Why on earth would a dapper young Frenchman be phoning somebody ?
    He should be more traditional and be seeking bridesmaids to drool over.
    Isn't that what weddings are for ?

  2. He is well put together, very classic look!

  3. Anonymous25 June, 2008

    Not cool to my way of thinking. Do you know the word "smarmy" ...

  4. Je crois qu'il parle de toi à son correpondant

  5. je suis d'accord avec bergson, il a un petit coté "si tu crois que je t'ai pas vu derrière ton APN" ;o)

  6. Mirrored sunglasses too...in my opinion he's just a touch too self aware to be cool...

  7. Anonymous26 June, 2008

    Marlboro Man used to be cool all dressed up like a cowboy with a rustic complexion but he died of lung cancer and they stopped advertising Marlboro as a cool thing to do.

    I don't think he is cool. Actually he looks smarter than he apparently is.

  8. Why is it a Britain smoking looks chavy, and a Frenchman doesn't. He is a cool cat, but I agree he should be hunting kitten. So refeshing to see locals relaxed with the camera. Fabulous series.

  9. Anonymous26 June, 2008

    Think he was posing for you Jilly. Oh M.benaut & babooshka, he is clearly telephoning the bridesmaid. Saves public humiliation when she turns him down!

  10. Anonymous26 June, 2008

    Thanks for your visit to my Brookville Daily Photo blog this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the baby rabbit eating the poppy leaves.

    I also wrote a longer piece on my Better Blog Writing about my Mom and Dad. See if you like the writing style. It is popular among better blogs.

    Last evening, it was almost dark, when one of the baby rabbits came up to our patio door and wanted in. I was flabbergasted but only took a picture and didn't leave him come in the house.

    I wanted you to know I stopped-in to repay your visit and leave a you a comment.

    I enjoyed reading your blog post for today and I thought your photography was excellent.

  11. Perhaps trying to hard to be cool, and as a result perhaps missing the mark. Along the lines of Abraham's comment: better to be smarter than you look than to look smarter than you are.

  12. sartorialist worthy indeed! :-)

    He looks like he just stepped out of the pages of GQ.

  13. I think he is a bit too camp to be cool. Perhaps he's ringing the best man, rather than the bridesmaid!
