08 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 2 - the ceremony

The ceremony inside the village church, Eglise Saint Barthélémy. We'll take a closer look at this lovely church another time and when no one is in it.

Meanwhile, I'm off to Arma di Taggia's railway station in Italy to collect Sally (and family) from Sydney Daily Photo. That's about an hour and a half away. Why aren't I collecting them at Menton railway station? Well - they've found a 250 kilo bomb near to Ventimiglia station and this afternoon all roads in and out and of course all trains are disrupted from 1.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. so there are no through trains from Italy to Menton. 8000 residents nearby have been evacuated. Anyway it takes more than a 250 kilo World War II bomb to keep Sally away!


  1. Welcome to Sally and her family, in spite of this bomb!

  2. Great pic Jilly. Quite the contrast with my church pic today.

    What a beautiful church! When I was in Rome I happened upon a wedding in one of the ornate churches near Spanish Steps. I was bold enough to snap a few pictures too! As soon as I get some free time to organize all my Rome pictures I will be posting them on a new "Not Mckinney" blog.

    Have a great visit with Sally!

  3. Wow, quelle merveille cette eglise, et j'adore ce genre de ceremonie qu'on voit de moins en moins....

  4. Crumbs, that's serious Jilly. I hope you can take the autoroute - at least on the way to Italia.
    To take the coast road on the way back would be so nice for Sally and family, but I imagine it would take a long time, too. Say 'howdy', to her, from us and enjoy all your reminisces of days gone by.

    Eglise Saint Barthélémy looks so elegant, and here, so characteristic of the traditional Catholic wedding service. In Australia, I feel that it is less common to see the bride and groom sitting.
    Comme Marie a dit, - cette sorte de cérémonie est vu beaucoup moins aujourd'hui, mais je préfère vraiment la cérémonie traditionnelle d'église.

  5. What a gloriously pretty wedding! When you cast an eye over the decor and start to calculate the cost it's hardly surprising these traditional weddings are becoming a rare event..

    Just read about the bomb. I'm praying no one gets hurt..

  6. Nice photo, Jilly. We happened on a wedding once or twice when visiting churches elsewhere. I find it interesting to see what other people do.
    This, by the way, caught my eye on the portal because, being Catholic, I noticed the priest right away. Sigh.

    Hello to Sally!

  7. Looks like it was a great wedding. I hope they have a long and happy life together.

  8. Hope you have had fun with Sally visiting...say hi to her please.
    Looking forward to more photos from the wedding...they are gorgeous.

  9. Sounds a like a really committed couple. Even bombs can keep them from their vows.

  10. How beautiful! I also like the other photo of the happy couple.

    I hope all goes splendidly during the visit with no more discoveries of weapons.

  11. A very beautiful wedding.

  12. Zsolt on the Budapest blog posted a WWII bomb discovery recently in Buda, near the castle. He had a map with the evacuation perimeter indicated. Amazing that they keep turning up.

  13. OMG Jilly - I just came back to look again inside the beautiful church and read about the bomb. You obviously made it there and back because you posted today (Monday) but what a long drive and what chaos, especially for the evacuated residents.
    Say cooee cobber to Sally for me.

  14. One of the things "Louis" misses most about living in la belle France is the beautiful old churches.

    One of "Louis's" favorites in Paris is Saint-Étienne-du-Mont.

    Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, has a replica of the labyrinthe at Chartres.

    Here are photos of "Louis's" wedding last novembre.

  15. Hope you made it to get Sally! the pews are nicely decorated!

  16. Ah !! I listened about the bomb but I agree: that bomb it's absolutely unable to keep off Sally :-))

  17. Wow! I go away for a few days and there's a bomb threat!! :-0

    Hope you're feeling better now.
