28 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 22 - more shoes

Lest you should think only one lady wore heels on cobbles, take a look at these three ladies - two resting their feet under the old elm.


  1. They say shoes make the outfit but wow....I am not sure I could walk in such high heels....good for those girls if they can!and on the cobblestones no less...oh to be young when you could ignore your aching feet!!!

  2. I really have to teach myself how to walk on stiletto heels! They look so beautiful and sexy.

  3. Women and shoes, what more can one say:)

  4. Anonymous28 June, 2008

    Yep, we have all taken a currant and tasted it or a berry, grape and apple. Maybe even a juicy pear fallen on the ground, covered with honey bees. Those things are burned in my memory and it only takes a little pinch of talk to make me remember. I had forgotten about pears on the ground, soft, sweet and covered with honey bees.

    Your lady with tired feet is a lesson we can all learn something from. I would not look good in anything like that and my bunyons would kill me. Don't they ladies have bunyons and blisters and things that hurt?

    Things, other than footwear matters to those who are savvy lady lookers and not shoes. LOL I think they refer to models as clothes horses and unwed women as trouble. LOL

    Anyway...I came to thank you for your visit and comment.

    Thanks to you and others, I have fun trying to post things that may surprise some visitors; make others laugh a bit, but most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.

    When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment on my blogs, about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is like a smile on greeting; it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the funny farm is still in the future on down the road.

    You, yourself, are an inspiration to me.

    Such beautiful photography of beautiful things, like your pretty ladies with sore feet is impressive indeed.

    I come back to say, "thanks for visiting and leaving a comment" but a special thanks for taking the time to photograph interesting things of great beauty, including pointedly shod women's feet. Without interesting photographs, blogging would be about as exciting as trying to scratch an itch in the right place at the wrong time.

    So, thanks for stopping at my blog. And I hope you know, by now, that when you do, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment. I do read what people write and your excellent photography got my attention.


    Abraham Lincoln
    oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  5. Oh, my. Not even in my younger days when I weighed less would I have been able to take a step in any of the shoes you've photographed. At 60, I've decided that I value a solid base beneath me as I make my weigh through the world--I have no desire to ruin my daily walk/bus ride/whatever by having a twisted, or worse, ankle or knee. However, I will say they the ladies look lovely in their shoes and outfits.

    About being a photo-journalist, that has always been a dream of mine, too, so I'm eternally grateful to photo-blogging as a way to satisfy that needy portion of my psyche. I feel somewhat whole when I get to put up photos and write about them, and especially whole when others look and comment, and even moreso when I get to look around the world at everyone's efforts.

  6. Anonymous28 June, 2008

    If she stepped on you toe it would HURT!! LOL

  7. They have beautiful shoes but I dont wear such high heel shoes any more, my shoes have shorter heels now. As I age, the heels of my shoes grew shorter...lol. The village is so beautiful and a wedding in there is perfect and lovely.

  8. I don't think it would hurt too much, Michael.
    The apology would make a rather nice introduction ?
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained !

    This has put Gorbio on the map, Jilly. Your series is wonderful and like a radio serial, we return each day.

    Perhaps the challenge is, to see their faces. Now; that's always a challenge.

  9. Oooh I like the blue ones. The red is a bit too bold I think (from one who has red ankle boots and a pair of red ballet shoes), maybe it is that they are patent red.

  10. The red ones do it for me. Very sexy. Or is that me being naughty?

  11. Anonymous30 June, 2008

    Gails man - I'm glad I'm the only one that didn't think that. There is a name for shoes like that, but I'm too genteel . . .

  12. I don't know how they manage those heels, and on cobblestone! I hope they have some attractive stabilizers nearby when they walk (i.e. husbands and boyfriends).

  13. I think I am in love...3 times over! I love the red shoes, those black ones and the blue ones are sooooo pretty! AND THE BAG!!! Oh I looooooooove that red bag! In fact just give me the whole outfit, pants, jacket, shoes and bag.
    And that dress, Jilly, that dress is too adorable for words.

    I love the window boxes....did anybody see those pretty window flower boxes? And that little girl sitting on the wall by herself way off in the distance? And the flowers on the car...wow. I tell you, Jilly, I love this picture. I looooove it!

  14. And if you look closely, you'll notice that it's not just the lady in red who's rubbing her feet! LOL. I bet many, many women at that wedding went home with aching feet that night and probably vowed never to wear those shoes on those cobbled streets again! :-)
