11 June 2008

The Village Wedding - 5 - the broken foot

This little boy - perhaps he was a page boy at the wedding? - sits down to eat as he has a broken foot. You can see the crutches lying beside him. He sits outside the Restaurant Beau Sejour in the village. The owners and staff decorated the square so beautifully, provided comfortable seating and of course served the food and drink for the guests.

The climbing plant is Trachlospermum Jasminoides, by the way.


  1. Anonymous11 June, 2008

    Jilly, that looks remarkably like our Chinese Star Jasmine.

  2. Julie, Chinese Star Jasmine is the common name of Traschlospermum Jasminoides - so we are both right!

  3. Anonymous11 June, 2008

    I see the child't broken foot is in a kind of cast.I don't see the crutches.

  4. You provide even the most minute details. Good portrait of a young man.

  5. I bet he is ready to get out of that all-white suit! Neat photo.

  6. You capture the most interesting scenes!

  7. Abe, the crutch is on the left hand side (in this photo) of his chair, lying on the ground.ie to his right. Enlarge photo to see. Jx

  8. What a charming litttle wedding.. this looks so similar to Toscany...
    Cokes and cookies ..this little boy is having a good time and forgetting about his Foot!!

  9. attention a la tache et a la crise de foie ;o). beau portrait de ce jeune gourmand

  10. Boys on crutches DO get fat... :-)

    I guess the other kids were all running around.

    I have a jasmine on my rooftop terrace and it's been a fragrant delight for the past month or so (nearing the end now), I can smell it from my desk.

  11. Jilly, just a quickie to let you know that Sally and Co got here safely AND on time. Had a great afternoon together, more to come.

    I'm posting about a wedding today too!

  12. The boy is so cute. He sure enjoyed his food. Oh yes I saw th crutches on the floor between the chair and table. Hope the boy recovered fast and can run again.

  13. What a trooper to dress up for a wedding even with his broken foot! Looks like he has plenty to drink as well... ;^)

  14. Anonymous12 June, 2008

    Great series of shots Jilly - really captures the community nature of the event. Why do the continentals always do things better?

  15. what a sweet boy, poor foot! I like all of the white in the shot--the wine & soda pop glasses and handbag etc.. look good too, like a still life .

  16. I like these wedding pictures. They're so real. It remind me the Sicilian wedding in the movie "The Godfather". Just change the flag, and the scene is ready.
