05 June 2008

Wild garlic

Wild garlic growing in a planter on a balcony in Gorbio. What looks like old wood is in fact concrete. You often see fencing made to look like trees and branches.

Back from Spain last night and sick with fever and bronchitis, which is why I didn't comment on Theme Day on Monday or Tuesday. A visit to the doc this morning produced antibiotics, and a ton of other medication. French docs love to prescribe. It will surely sort me out before Sally (& famille) from Sydney DP arrives on Sunday. Spain has the same dreadful weather as much of southern Europe this year so I blame the weather and lots of work at the show.

Returned to no telephone or internet - again! A call this morning promised it would be done on the 11th June and then two hours ago - miracle! - two young France Telecom guys arrived and it's fixed. Rah, rah, rah. They said the line was damaged, bent and needed replacing and there was some other problem too. Thanks so much for all comments. Now, finally, with the Internet working at home, I'll start to catch up with you all.


  1. So France=many medicines, bad internet and...garlic! I'm just kidding... Soigne-toi bien, Jilly.

  2. Alice, oh no I'm not complaining. French doctors are wonderful. I think if you have to be sick, be sick in France. And now that the Internet is working, suddenly I like France Telecom again. I've always loved the pretty Wild Garlic.

  3. Quite pretty - I have not seen wild garlic growing (or any garlic for that matter); but i do like garlic, especially for its medicinal properties. I hope you are well soon.

  4. Jilly, I hope those meds help you feel better soon. I wish our docs were a bit more "French"... I mean, really, yellow stuff has to be almost pouring out of you before they'd prescribe an antibiotic.

    Have fun with Sally and I hope the weather brightens up by then.

    (I'm thinking that wild garlic must be stronger tasting. Have you tried it? How about the blossoms?)

  5. thanks for visit my blog

  6. Jilly, I'm glad you're taking care of yourself, and don't try to overdo even on the internet! I find the antibiotics wear me out even more, but if you have a bacterial infection, then you have to do what you have to do. I'm sorry to hear they worked you so hard in Spain.


  7. We seem to have a lot of that growing at the bottom of our driveway. It has become a weed here.
    left you a note at Monaco Jilly. :}

  8. Jilly I'm happy you're back at home but now I'm worried you're sick. Is there anyone who may help you? Flu in Summer (or sort of) are quite bad. I hope you will feel better and have nice time with Sally-I-am-angry-with ;-) -- Ciao !

  9. Hi Jilly, I hope you feel better soon. The concrete planter looks real.

  10. take care of yourself
    Internet is always repaired

  11. oh Jilly, hope you are feeling better now! sounds like a tough one and the internet not working just puts the ribbon on it doesn't it? The concrete here is amazing....it really looks like wood....

  12. Hope you're feeling better and enjoying Sally's visit.

    I look forward to photos of you gals.

  13. Get well soon! A telephone engineer blaming "bent wires" sounds a bit "French" to me oooops what have I said ;-)

    (Well doen...you're obviously loving that zoom and making good use!)
