10 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Lifeguards

Summertime in Menton - visitors galore, crowded beaches, nowhere to park - and good-looking lifeguards. Taken at 6.30 yesterday evening - you can see the Old Town through the bars of the lifeguards' lookout. In the distance - Italy.

These are public beaches. The private beaches are at Garavan (beyond the Old Town and nearer to the Italian border) - you can see one by clicking on the link.


  1. That looks so good and just where I'd like to be. Love the lifeguards in the foreground.
    It was only 6 degrees here today during the day. A bit chilly; even Sascha didn't want to go all the way to the letterbox.

  2. Didn't notice any Nageurs Sauveteurs in this photo but there were some very pretty girls on the beach !

  3. Oh to be in France now. It's been nearly a year, and can't take much more of our rain here. I dearly wish to be one of those tourists.

  4. Good-looking lifeguards indeed. Almost makes you want to call for help. I love French beaches, but like to find a little one all to myself.

  5. Would absolutely LOVE to be on that beach right now! Glorious. Tell those lifeguards to get working...eyes on the water! Hmm, I don't see many in the water????? :-)

  6. What a great scene. The lifeguards cooperated nicely for your photo! So much to look at and enjoy in this photo, Jilly!

  7. Why weren't there lifeguards like this when I was young.
    Great beach scene lots going on there.

  8. C'est l'ete sur cette photo...
    We have the same lifeguards here!! white Tshirts and red shorts!!

  9. What a beautiful place! I wish I was there -- it's not that nice here now, just humid and hot...

  10. Wow lovely beach with a fine day. Hope you have fun during the summer holidays.

  11. Certainly more crowded than amonth ago. I suppose the water has warmed up too...

  12. Pour aider Bergson,
    Pamela est en Australie. Tatouages et tous.
    Elle nous aime bien, vers le bas ici !!

  13. Ha, ha. Pamela is here doing a protest against KFC while popping in and out of the Big Brother house, Jilly. Quite hilarious really. Her intentions are good I suppose; she's a vegetarian (as are you?) and she's concerned for the chooks. I realise I'm being a trifle flippant here. Sorry.

  14. Wow---these beaches are so much more crowded than Maui. It looks like a party zone! Are they topless here, or is that only in France?
