24 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Boat Trip - 11

Goodbye to Italy. We've had a great day. Lie back, feet off the end of the boat - enjoy those last few minutes before we reach the port of Garavan in Menton, tie up the boat and go on our way.

Thanks to everyone who came on this boat trip. Didn't we have fun? Perhaps we'll do it again someday.

Tomorrow - a competition. We'll be in the port of Garavan and there is 'something' in the water - what is it and more importantly, what is it used for? - come back tomorrow and take a look - a postcard of Menton to the first person who gets it right.


  1. Anonymous24 July, 2008

    The water is, I must say, blue blue. Not green, brown or yellow. Just blue and that's nice.

  2. Merci pour cette belle balade, Jilly! Sunny weather, great boat and pleasant company, all was perfect!

  3. Jilly, I think this is an absolutely perfect image. I love the (lovely, by the way) perfectly in focus feet, the perfect frothy wake of the boat, and the perfect blue, blue water (thanks Abe) meeting the lovely sky. Ahhhhh. If you ever Zazzle this image, let me know. I think its really exceptional. Thank you for the boat trip.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  4. What a great way to capture the day. Nice and relaxed. A those your feet?

  5. As you know each your shot are plenty of something more than just an image. This one more than other. It says everything: olidayl, hot, summer, sea and, bye bye to something. Italy in this case (where I hope you will be back soon eheh)

  6. what a nice trip?
    people dream about such stuff!

  7. Jim, - no, not my feet.

  8. Magnificent feet !
    Just a shame they're yours; not mine?
    No, I would have loved to have been there, but you deserve it more than moi !!

  9. Anonymous24 July, 2008

    I think there is a"Pedalo"in the water. Or,better,on the water.

  10. Ahh....even the feet are beautiful!

  11. belle ballade qui se finit les pieds en éventail ;o))

  12. I did indeed enjoy the boat trip and I suspect that you did too Jilly! Whoever owns those feet is very lucky, they look like beautiful feet to me. I can't get over the colour of the ocean and I love wakes. I think I mentioned that once before.
    Thank you Jilly for this wonderful trip.

  13. Anonymous24 July, 2008

    What a fun series. Not to mention beautiful. Thanks Jilly for taking us along. As usual, I'll anticipate what you will show us next.

  14. Lucky you and also so...tanned!

  15. What a great shot Jilly. I have so enjoyed your boat ride!!

  16. How I would like to be right now.

  17. How cute are those little tootsies.....very good boat ride!

  18. Toes range in range, my favorite position

  19. I just read your boat trip posts; a great series of photos - what a wonderful experience you had!

  20. This looks very relaxing...just sitting there, enjoying the ride and the scenery...I can imagine the wind blowing and almost smell the water!

  21. La Dolce Vita pour Madame!

  22. Such a delightful series this was :). I enjoyed every summery moment of it.
