31 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Créole Beauty

This gorgeous lady was working in the Guadaloupe tent at the Créole Festival. Note her face piercings - even a stud on a tooth. And how about that smile? Isn't that just fabulous.

373 year ago, the French landed in the West Indies. Since then, the history of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean has been intertwined. Christopher Columbus came from Genoa, Napoleon from Corsica - Josephine was a Créole. Menton paid hommage to this history recently - over three glorious days - when the town came alive to Créole rhythms, traditions, food and drink.

You can read more on the Créole peoples by clicking on the link.


  1. beau portrait avec un sourire qui illumine ton blog.

  2. What a beautiful woman and her smile is amazing. Must say though that I don't think she needed the piercings...

  3. Gorgeous! Both the woman and your portrait of her.

  4. The fair must have been lively and full of energy. What a smile! This is an excellent portrait, Jilly. I'd very much like to know this smiling woman.

  5. Well she sure perked up my day. The face of happiness. Love the colors as well.

  6. Anonymous31 July, 2008

    Beautiful portrait.

  7. Very, very vivid. That's a nice shirt on a nicer lady!

  8. lol. The first time I ever saw a studded tooth was in a very old picture of my grandmother! :-) I was shocked that she would have done something like this because she is so very straight laced now!!
