28 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Dog Beach

There are two beaches that allow dogs in Menton - so both are great places for me to take photographs for Riviera Dogs. Dogs are very much part of Summertime in Menton though, so here's a happy dog today.

He's a four year old Labrador on holiday with his family from Milan. His name is Giorgio and he'd spent the day playing, swimming, having the greatest fun with a dog he'd met on the beach - a Golden/Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix called Astuss. You see them swimming together on the left. You'll find another photograph of Astuss on Riviera Dogs today. Click on the link - probably a better, sharper photo than Giorgio's but I wanted you to see Giorgio jumping for a stone.

The energy, such joy in life - living in the moment. Dogs teach us so much.


  1. Anonymous28 July, 2008

    That is a perfect picture of two pals having a neat vacation. What a treat it must be for the dogs.

  2. avec cette chaleur dans mon bureau, je prendrais bien la place des chiens ;o))

  3. Dogs vacationing on the Riviera. That cracks me up!

  4. They say it's a dog's life.
    Oh - to be this dog, today.

  5. Anonymous28 July, 2008

    I love to see dogs on beaches, specially if they're swimming! :)

    Love to see both of them, they're so cute... But wait, is that a rock? I hope he didn't hurt himself if he did catch it..

  6. You have a Great photo blog.It is the first time that I visit it.

  7. He is actually smiling in anticipation! Pure joy.

  8. Thank you for your kind comment on my Artists Portraits series today. I responded to your question further down in the comments page.

    What is it about dogs and water? It must be something in their genetic history as hunters, letting no obstacle get in their way. But, like most dogs, these two are simply having fun. Human children are usually the same way. Someone should let the cats in on the secret.

  9. Oh, such refreshing photos. Would love to plunge in along side the pups.

  10. Strangetastes - You've obviously never seen the videos on YouTube of kittens with boxes. They looove to play!

  11. Wow, these dogs are beautiful! This morning I took my friend Craig's dog to the vet's. Kaity had a cancer in her leg. We feared she might have to be put down but noooooooooooo. I'll go and take her back tomorrow morning. Her "dad" is in Africa and I am taking care of her.

  12. Anonymous28 July, 2008

    These are such great shots capturing the personality of these two.

  13. What beautiful dogs...I didn't know dogs were allowed on any beaches in the Summer..wish it was a bit closer to me. My dogs would love the water..

  14. If you could wrap these dogs up and post them too me.... How wonderful are they. Far too cute.

  15. There's nothing quite like watching the sheer joy of a dog fetching something thrown in the air. I rather wish it was a stick than a rock though. I hope he didn't break any teeth.

  16. Mme Benaut...I saw that rock too and wondered. These dogs are magnificent and so happy. Puts a smile on my face!

  17. Beautiful photos of two dogs at play. Nice shot.

  18. très beaux labrador

    tu n'emmène pas tous les chiens à la plage sinon tu fais cela toute la journée ?

  19. Great pictures!! LUCKY dogs!!

  20. I love all your summertime photos. They feel me cool in this heat of summer. Menton is really a lovely place.

  21. That's so sweeet - going on holidays and making a friend to play with!

  22. I love this. My parents have a sausage dog (funny name in english ^^) and I miss her so much...

    Really a great shot.. you want to swim with them :)

  23. Anonymous31 July, 2008

    They are so cute! I wish mine enjoyed the water -- they look like they are having so much fun!

  24. My dogs have taught me patience. I love them to bits.

    Unfortunately I don't think they would have gotten along so fabulously with either Giorgio or Astuss as they are not very tolerant of other dogs. :-(
