11 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - Friendship

A rock - the sea - a boat on the horizon ... and three friends taking advantage of what sun is left. It's 6.30 p.m. and the light is fading.

You see a pebble beach - typical of this part of the Côte d'Azur - but often sand is imported so Menton, like Monte Carlo, has some other beaches just a little easier on the feet.


  1. 'morning, Jilly. I loved dear old "Woolite". Hope he enjoyed his day (errmm...I suppose "he" is actually a "she")

  2. wow, they have the whole sea to swim in and a great view.

  3. What a peaceful beach they have all. Beautiful shot! I love the composition. But I really just knew that Menton imported sand. From where?

  4. Harry, good question. Trouble is I don't know the answer but I will endeavour, one day, to find out. Perhaps Italy?

  5. Love this summer shot! Lighting is wonderful here. I like the shape of the rock that the three friends are sitting on and the little bits of color from their little bathing suits and towels.

  6. Wow, a guy and two girls. I guess we know who had a great day! The water is gorgeous, too!

  7. Just a beautiful photo, Jilly. The color of the water is amazing. I too like the composition.

  8. Ah, 25 degrees C - how superb and just perfect for swimming and basking in the sun. What time does the sun set now Jilly?

  9. This photo says so many thing at once. Beautiful!

  10. How glorious to sit in the fading sun with two pretty girls in bikinis. Now that is a slice of heaven:)

  11. hi Jilly,

    it's been 15 years since i lived in Villeneuve Loubet! :)
    I worked there as a 'fille au-pair' for a couple with 3 kids. Yes, very near to you indeed. Must say it was a very interesting period but i haven't been to la cote for a long time. I have 3 kids of my own now and especially during the school holidays the area is so busy! Still love to see your sites and the one of Nice to keep me updated though :)

  12. Oh, to plonge into this beautiful water!

    I had absolutely no idea sand was sometimes imported!

  13. Idyllic....everything's just perfect. You're obviously getting warmer evenings than we are. It's been quite cloudy here.

  14. I love how you shot and framed this! Picture perfect!

  15. Thank you for the lovely picture. I wish I could be there.

  16. Lovely!

    My husband and I missed going to the beach this summer (April–May in the Philippines) so this scene just makes me so envious. But I don't think I can handle the water at only 21C—still a little too cool for me. ;)

  17. Gorgeous, peaceful photo Jilly.

  18. We have to choose, sand with crowd, or peedles with calm! In august, we often choose peebles to the 'sablettes'!
    How I would appreciate to be there!
    No more than 10 days to wait.
