07 July 2008

Time for a roll-up

Here's one of the characters of Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Taken near to the beach. His little dog is called Yappa. I'd noticed her earlier and taken her photograph for Riviera Dogs, but she was very nervous. Much happier here alongside her owner.


  1. Anonymous07 July, 2008

    He looks as though he is straight out of New Orleans. I love the possessiveness of dogs - and their loyalty.

    Do you ask to take someone's photo - although you have an 18x so maybe you just stand across the way. I am always concerned that peoople will ask for $5 or something to have their picture taken.

  2. Julie, I don't always ask - sometimes it's just a shot with the zoom, but in this case, I did ask.

    There's an organ grinder in Menton and if he sees me coming, he rushes to cover up the dog on the stand so I can't take a photograph - unless I pay him. I did pay him one time and the photographs were no good - light all wrong.

    If I take street dogs I always give the owners money though.

  3. Yappa va devenir la mascotte de ton blog. c'est vrai qu'il est très mignon. portrait réussi de Yappa et son maître.

  4. Anonymous07 July, 2008

    God blessed dogs.

  5. It is the grace of dogs that they accept us so purely, and this portrait captures that grace.

  6. Yappa, il aurait pas un peu fumé lui aussi ? Je le trouve hyper cool avec ses yeux à demi fermés.

  7. Anonymous07 July, 2008

    Doesn't look so yappa in this shot. Great capture. Crazy weather here, are you getting the dramatic changes there?

  8. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    I'd pay money just to snap his "tash".

    I have something a little special tomorrow to help announce the arrival of a new site of mine,

    from South Shields Daily Photo

  9. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    The dog is just beautiful!

  10. I agree with Julie in that this could be a scene right out of New Orleans.

    I haven't met anyone in NYC that demands payment for a
    photo yet but I'm sure they re out there. That said, I have seen an increase in homeless people on the street lately, most probably bcause of the turn in the economy. A lot of public programs have been scaled down or eliminated.

  11. What a great photo.....I wonder how much cheaper it is to roll you own?

  12. Mais non Yapa besoin de fumer

  13. Neva, MUCH cheaper to roll your own and many of my smoking friends do that now.

    What a great photo Jilly, one that you just couldn't have taken without permission I think. It's just so intimate. Dogs are a great way to start talking to people, aren't they? (with babies)

    My own photos of people taken with their permission just never turn out good. They pose and the photo lacks the natural I want. Yours is just fantastic.

    (BTW, welcome home !)

  14. Amazed at how clean the door behind him looks. The same in Avignon would be black and filthy.

  15. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    Golly Nathalie - that fills me with confidence for my visit!!

  16. Wonderful photo, Jilly! Yappa has such a pretty face - I love her markings.
