08 July 2008

Woolite - a sheep in Menton

You don't often bump into a sheep in the walking street of Menton. This one, with its Nike symbol (see lower photo) is apparently used for publicity. It's called Woolite. The name surprised me because I know Woolite as a British product for washing wool. I looked in my cupboard and what is my French product called? Yes, the same - Woolite. It just sounds different said with a French accent!

As you can see in the photograph to the right, this sheep (or rather lamb) is fixed on its owner, running through the streets behind him. I've seen this before when I featured a sheep in Gorbio, who slept in the owner's bedroom.

You can click on the smaller photographs to enlarge.

No one may mention roast lamb or mint sauce...

Stop Press: Since publishing today's post, I see Woolite's owner has left a message with a link. Thankyou! So please click on THIS LINK to read more about this lovely sheep. You can even see Woolite in the sea!


  1. amusant le mouton sponsorisé par nike ;o)). Comme un animal de compagnie, c'est original

  2. Love this/these photo(s)! I especially like the sheep's shaved legs, and its owner's wooly ones!

  3. What a fun publicity stunt! Cute!!

  4. LOL! That is such a cute publicity stunt. And you must admit, it caught people's attention! ;)

  5. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    Bonjour et merci d'avoir publié cette photo de Woolite.
    Derniérement, j'ai aussi pris un bain avec elle ; http://lesfouleesroquebrunoises.over-blog.com/article-20891388.html

    JUST WOOL IT !!!!!

    @+ PM

  6. Thankyou, Woolite's owner. I've now added the link to your blog in the main posting. Love seeing Woolite in the sea!

  7. LOL - great news Woolite's owner made contact.

  8. Yes, that's me at the pool in MC! Well spotted.

  9. Oh, how cute! Fancy having a lamb as a pet dog without a leash! Not knowing much about sheep, I would never have guessed but I suppose the Woolite knows that his bottle is in the rucksack.
    Your link didn't work Jilly but the link to Woolite's owner's blog did so I saw the lamb going for a swim.

  10. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    Hurray for woolite! He's very cute, his owner is too. Thanks for the link.

  11. Anonymous09 July, 2008

    What a great set of photographs, Jilly. I really like that sheep with the Nike symbol. I wonder if they thought of clipping the symbol into the wool?

    I hope you had a nice day. Your photography certainly looks like you had fun.

  12. Look out Michael Jordan! Woolite might just grab some of your spotlight. What a wild and creative idea!

  13. Anonymous09 July, 2008

    Hi Jilly
    Thanks for your link.
    I also have to tell you that a french TV is coming in august to make an emission about Woolite.
    The show is called " 30 millions d'amis " and it is famous in France.
    Woolite is also supposed to run a part of the Monaco marathon ( not all the distance because she cant stand but 2 or 3 kilometers )
    @+ Philippe MAZZA

  14. Philippe

    That's fabulous news. I know 300 millions d'amis very well and always try to watch it. Please let me know when the Monaco marathon takes place in August and I will come and take a photo of you and Woolite and put it on my Monte Carlo Daily Photo blog. Perhaps send a private email, as I don't have your email address -


    Many thanks. Jilly
