11 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Beach Companion

A contented dog, sandy face and feet, cuddled up next to his owner on one of Menton's dog beaches. Tomorrow - we'll see the rest of the Lady on the Pink Towel - and a longer shot of this dog beach.


  1. même les chiens profitent des vacances et de la bronzette ;o)

  2. Jilly, you have the best eye for dogs of anyone I have ever met ! Superstar portraitist to les chiens !

  3. Think I'll change places with the dog.

  4. No I'll change places with the owner. Just want the sun.

  5. Awww....Bibi is jealous. But actually, she doesn't like the sun.

  6. Lucky dog!!!!

    You do have a wide variety of togs (Queensland speak for swimmers) Jilly!!!!

  7. dogs life uh? May I to be at his place?

  8. I know what this skin will look like in about 40 years.

    Old, cracked, spotted, leather.

    It is a shame.

  9. I believe that dogs live very, very good lives in France!

  10. This dog might have a paste collar!

  11. I think that allowing dogs to remain with their owners on beaches and in restaurants and stores is VERY civilized. I wish more countries would do this, esp. my own. I have never caught any health-related problems from a dog, which is more than I can say about my fellow-humans. Have a good week!

  12. We can only take our dogs to a section of the beach at certain times in the evenings on weekends. This one looks quite worn out from his/her day in the sand and water. Great shot.

  13. I can tell the gender of the owner, but it hadn't occurred to me to discern that of le chien.

  14. Pooped out from too much surfin??? Maybe the owner could train the pooch to put sunscreen on her back-HA Great photo Jilly.

  15. Now that's the life isn't it? What a happy photo.

  16. encore un chien qui a fait un tour à la pension Milou et se croit le roi de la Côte d'Azur

  17. I suspect he did too much chasing of frisbees on the beach.

  18. A successful day for the doggie!

  19. There's nothing like the love and devotion of a dog. I can tell that this one has really made sacrifices for his owner, you know, accompanying her to the beach, keeping her company while napping, etc. He/she looks like a real sweet companion.

  20. Cutee: Did he get sunscreen for the tip of his nose too:)

  21. That is just perfect. You reay do know how to capture the best of those dogs.

  22. What a tired looking fella. He must have been playing hard. I wonder if he's hot in that thick coat.

  23. We took our dogs to Ft. Myers for the weekend. They were not too interested in the water, though. Sigh. Oh, well. . . .

  24. That is such a cute photo. The dog looks so content and happy to be sleeping in the sun with the lady.
