04 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Bikini

Suntan lotion, beach towel... and a bikini - et voilà!


  1. Love your shots of Summertime!! It must be a really fun and exciting time for your city.

    Any shots of ice cream or desserts to cool down the summer heat?

  2. Nice close-up.

  3. "Sur une plage il y avait une belle fille
    Qui avait peur d'aller prendre son bain
    Elle craignait de quitter sa cabine
    Elle tremblait de montrer au voisin
    Un deux trois elle tremblait de montrer quoi ?

    Son petit itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Qu'elle mettait pour la première fois
    Un itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Un bikini rouge et jaune à p'tits pois
    Un deux trois voilà ce qu'il arriva

    Elle ne songeait qu'à quitter sa cabine
    Elle s'enroula dans son peignoir de bain
    Car elle craignait de choquer ses voisines
    Et même aussi de gêner ses voisins
    Un deux trois elle craignait de montrer quoi ?

    Son petit itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Qu'elle mettait pour la première fois
    Un itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Un bikini rouge et jaune à p'tits pois
    Un deux trois voilà ce qui arriva

    Elle doit maintenant s'élancer hors de l'ombre
    Elle craint toujours les regards indiscrets
    C'est le moment de faire voir à tout le monde
    Ce qu'il la trouble et qui la fait trembler
    Un deux trois elle a peur de montrer quoi ?

    Son petit itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Qu'elle mettait pour la première fois
    Un itsi bitsi tini ouini, tout petit, petit, bikini
    Un bikini rouge et jaune à p'tits pois

    Si cette histoire vous amuse
    On peut la recommencer
    Si c'est pas drôle on s'excuse
    En tout cas c'est terminé"

    Il faut pas grand chose pour passer un bon moment à la plage ;o)

  4. Hate I am missing Olivier's song or poem. Just too long for my French /Eng. dictionary. The close up is a great idea.

  5. Olivier, how wonderful! I didn't know this was Dalida's song. There is an English/American song - the itsy, bitsy, teeny weeny polka-dot bikini - so obviously, it's the same song translated. Where it started - France or England/America, I don't know.

  6. Jilly, The excellence of Menton Daily Photo just hit an all-time high !
    Perhaps you may need help in selecting the chosen shots ?
    You could sell tickets !

  7. What a fantastic image of summer. I love the close up.

  8. Nice detail! Nice color!

  9. It allows one's imagination to fill in the rest of the photo. Nicely done!

  10. I would quickly match the color of the bikini if I weren't careful. Otherwise, I'm sure I look just exactly like her. Sure I do.

  11. Jilly, just saw your question about using a Mac for the blog. . . .

    FYI. . .I bought a MacBook in April and use it exclusively. I did not download Picasa (having had so many problems with it and the PC I had). I just use iPhoto which comes installed on the Mac. I have not had one problem. . .I'll email you privately, but I wanted you to see this asap.

    PS Love the photo!

  12. Could you e-mail me your address to send you a little postcard (sorry, Idon't think oysters would enjoy the journey to the south...;-)

  13. Jilly -- you just continue to WOW us with your shots!!

  14. Which part of the body is this? :-)

  15. This lady would fit perfectly in my post today!!!!

  16. What a perfect summer shot, Jilly! The color is fantastic, of course. You can almost feel the heat where you can see the sunlight shining on her skin...

  17. Fantastic close up shot. The weather is really so hot here too. Am so lazy to do anything.

  18. Well Ming asked same question I would love to ask. By the way I presume that best reply should be: that one your imagination let you inspire :-) eheh

    P.S. reading what Chris said about Mac, Picasa isn't for Mac yet.

  19. To answer your questions, guys. It's only the guys! The part of the body is on the hip - at the side - where the bikini gets very narrow. And no, it's not my bikini. The body - and bikini - belong to an Italian friend of mine.

  20. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine, Jilly ?

    Chris is right. With a Mac, handling and editing photos is easy as falling off a log. I have 30 thousand photos on my mac and it takes seconds to post them directly from iPhoto, (the photo handling programme).
    I would never return to the stone age and viruses and a.v. software again.
    I love it like I love the Panasonic Lumix that I bought after I saw yours. I also bought another Lumix today for William, (see my profile picture) and his mum; my daughter.
    Dive (small glass planet), is a mac aficionado too.
    He has lots of them.
    Good luck with your choice.

  21. A-a-a-an italian friend of you? Jiiiilllyyy what do you wait to introduce me to her? :-)
