21 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Cat

Had enough of the beaches? Too many Fete Days? Want to get away from the August crowds?

Then take a walk in the Old Town. Just wander - take little alleyways, don't worry, you won't get lost - and anyway, exploring is all part of the fun. And a promise - you'll see lots of cats.

This lovely cat often sits here, appreciating caresses from locals and visitors.


  1. Ooh, what a sweetie! Give her a little love for me.

  2. waouhhhh superbe portrait. Il te regarde, très curieux de ce que tu vas faire.

    "Le chat ouvrit les yeux,
    Le soleil y entra.
    Le chat ferma les yeux,
    Le soleil y resta.

    Voilà pourquoi, le soir,
    quand le chat se réveille,
    j'aperçois dans le noir
    Deux morceaux de soleil."
    Maurice Carème

  3. She (lokks like a female) is absolutely sweet and lovely but your photo is great: it's so difficult to take pets in foreground

  4. What a gorgeous cat - and you have captured him so well!

  5. She is nicely placed for caresses as people pass. There's nothing stupid about cats, is there?

  6. My what big eyes you have!

  7. Oh so pretty! And Old Town sounds wonderful.

  8. Un chat très photogénique

  9. Great photo; how did you get her to pose? A little catnip, perhaps? We have done lots of volunteer work, primarily with dogs, but have discovered that there seems to be an even greater need for cat rescues since there is a huge overabundance of these stray animals, and feral cats are a real problem in some countries.

  10. I love her cute, pink nose! Beautiful, beautiful portrait!

  11. I am usually a dog person but this is one precious portrait. Old Town is begging for you to take more photos for us!

  12. Wow, Jilly, ce chat est magnifique. Pendant mon séjour dans le Connecticut, j'ai pris soin d'un vieux chat et d'un vieux chien tous les deux atteints d'un cancer.

  13. Perfect...reminds me a bit of my Ollie.

  14. Les yeux ronds fendus en amande et le nez rose....charmant et surement pas très vieux ce charmant minou.

  15. I agree with Virginia - could you wander the alleys of old town for a few posts? That would be wonderful.

    As for this gorgeous creature: I am an unashamed cat person, having two of my own. The expression on this one is priceless. She is so very clean and fluffy. Just delightful. As for those liquid green pools ...

  16. The cat is charming but looks stunned in closeup. I think he or she might benefit from the Confuse A Cat service from the old Monty Python show.

  17. aw, what a lovely thing! She looks like she's still a kitten.
    Dida has a pale pink nose, too. lovely!

  18. Astonishing close up. I am not a cat person but he is particuarlly photogentic. Your details is wonderful. The ohter image pout the whole scene in context and completes the stoty beautifully.

  19. Look how clean his eyes and ears and nose are.And those eyes! Great shot Jilly.
    I wish my cats would stay that still so that I could do a portrait of them like you have done with this kitty!! What's your secret? How did you get him to sit so still?
