14 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Laughter

She's giggling, he's having a good old belly laugh. Two people on a stone bench at the Place du Cap.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people - Victor Borge


  1. Fantastic quote to accompany this! They just look so relaxed. Aaaaaaaaah.

  2. Indeed, Sally. My thoughts exactly: what a terrific quote! When I saw them on the portal I thought: "Yep, married couple with that distance between them".

    PS ... what I really like is that her feet don't even touch the ground. You GO, girl !!!

  3. Does he scoot closer every few minutes? They look like school kids.

  4. It's fun to imagine the possibilities here. Great shot.

  5. "L'amour, l'amitiƩ, c'est surtout rire avec l'autre, c'est partager le rire que de s'aimer." Arletty

    Superbe portrait, un bon moment entre deux amis, j'adore.

    Je te souhaite un bon weekend du 15 aout.

  6. He is laughing so spontaneously he is in pain !
    Just like the man on the beach on Tuesday ?

  7. When I was in Rotary International, we had a speaker at our luncheon whose talk was about hands and hand gestures and where we put our hands and why.

    For example:

    Hands or hands and arms folded across the chest by a person who is listening to some speaker, is a sign of doubt and/or means the speaker will have to prove what they are saying before you can or will believe it.

    I don't know what the hands in the lap means?

  8. Oh, this is so spontaneous! Beautiful capture of a funny moment.

  9. What a great image! Makes me smile. :)

  10. Jilly, you are really very good at capturing people ....their faces are so awesome.....

  11. People usually look their best when in a natural laugh, like these two. I wonder if he's suppressing a leak.

  12. j'aimerais bien connaitre l'histoire pour rire aussi

    I would like to know the history to laugh too

  13. I was going to comment on the music concert but then scrolled down and saw this - priceless!

  14. I'm with Elaine re the topic that Abe introduced. Methinks assisted bladder control!

  15. a photo I wish I had taken.

  16. Love the quote. . . love the photo. How wonderful!
