08 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Waiter

A bar in the Place du Cap at the foot of the Old Town.


  1. What a gorgeous smile! Let me guess, he's looking at a girl.

    I've been away for a few days (I'm taking my holidays in tiny chunks) and just looked at your previous posts - really enjoyed them all. "La foule" is amazing. The great thing about following your blog throughout the year is to see the differences between your winter and summer shots. Crowds, karting, pollution...

  2. LoveloveLOVE this photo. It's so alive. Just fabulous.

  3. Hi Jilly! It's so vibrant! I'll have a 'pression' please:)

  4. Une menthe-a-l'eau pour moi! This guy is CUTE! Love the touch bw adds to your photo.

    Check my blog tomorrow (Saturday) for Serbian dreadlocks, a photo I'd taken just a few days before you posted your lovely Creole photos.

  5. Now he's a bit of ALRIGHT!!! Hope this is going to turn into a series Jilly!!!

  6. I have just had to re-arrange everything including the going-away haircut.

    Now I'll need a proper "coupe de cheveux" or they probably won't even serve me a beer.

    A bloke can't look like a tourist !

  7. Very nice. I like this photo a lot, Jilly.

    I have been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands again. The chemotherapy drug doesn't stop the pain so my typing is limited. Sorry.

  8. THis is terrific. He is definitely eyeing a girl. Just a great, great shot. Sometimes BW is the only thing for a photo and this is one of those times.

  9. un beau portrait, il est très décontracté ce serveur, discutions entre amis.

  10. Great shot, Jilly! I like B&W photography.

  11. He looks like he is up to something for sure. Great capture of the moment.

  12. He looks like the cat who ate the canary. Maybe he set something in motion, and impishly watches the consequences play out...

  13. le vendeur de chichi (on peut dire aussi vendeur de chouchou), c'est le traditionnel vendeur ambulant de beignet sur les plages. Enfant, il y en avait toujours un sur les plages, avec des beignets trop gras ou trop sucrés.

    La recette classique du chichi (ou churos aussi) trouver sur internet :
    Dans une casserole, mettre de l'eau bouillante. Rajouter la même quantité de farine et melanger. prévoir une poele avec trois centimetres d'huile très bouillante. Verser une louche de pâte de façon qu'elle prends la forme allongé. Quand il est frit, retirer et mettre sur une grille pour ecouler le reste d'huile. Verser une autre louche de pâte, etc. Quand vous aurez finit la pate, couvrir les chichis avec du sucre cristalisé.

  14. Now there's a guy who loves his job and the fringe benefits that go with it. As others have noted, nice in-the-moment capture.

  15. Now there's a guy who loves his job and the fringe benefits that go with it. As others have noted, nice in-the-moment capture.

  16. Both of them look pretty happy!

  17. Nathalie is spot on Jilly.....year round Menton.

  18. Awesome capture, Jilly! Are all french waiters that cute?

    Yeap, he's probably eyeing some pretty girls walking down the street.

  19. Let me guess he is looking to a
    cute girl or a cute boy

  20. If we needed a confirm (but we don't) this capture definitely would tribute your membership to a great photographer circle.

  21. I adore this photo.. you just made me a fan... look forward to your work :)

  22. J'ai lu les coms. Et pourquoi il pourrait pas regarder un garçon de la même manière, hein?

  23. C'est vrai Marie! Pourquoi?
